July 12, 2009

Remember Who YOU Are

Today's sermon was delivered by Rev. Rob Morpeth (left). Rev. Morpeth serves as Deputy for Finance on Bishop Parsley's Senior Staff.

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. The Christian journey is a lifelong journey. We are constantly processing into what God purposed us to be. That is the core of our true selves. The world would have us be who it wants us to be. Becoming a saint is a matter of being who we are. Patterning after others is not the road to becoming our true selves. Each of us is an individual. While we may admire another’s traits and qualities it remains our responsibility to evolve into the person God wants us to be as an individual.
The world tries to pull us from God’s given goal. Many define their self worth by education, wealth, position, and manmade treasures. The ways of the world are ever changing. The things of the world pass away. God’s way has remained and will remain the same throughout time. He never goes out of style. We build our treasures in heaven with the Almighty. Never tie your sense of self worth to worldly things, your car, home, education or job. There are those who won’t retire because they have become one with their occupation. Their self worth is tied up in their job. If they retire they feel they will lose their identity. A mountain of debt and anguish can accumulate from amassing “things”, in an effort to be accepted by and gain self worth from the world.

Paul admonishes us to remember who we are. We fellowship to remember ourselves and gain strength to continue the Christian journey. Where the world says, “You are small, poor, weak, forgotten, insignificant…, You say I am BLESSED in Jesus!”

We are marked as Christ’s own forever! Nothing can separate us from the love of God!
Live not as the world defines you but, as God created you. ***

SCRIPTURES2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19

Psalm 24
Ephesians 1:3-14

Mark 6:14-29

The Voices of Praise Offertory Anthem was Power of Your Love with Deacon Carolyn Foster as soloist. The Communion song of praise, Holy Spirit Rain Down was a duet done by Cecil and Olivia Washington. Providing background vocals were Joyce Ladd and Carolyn Foster.

BOTTOM:l. to r.
Joyce Ladd, Cecil Washington,
Olivia Washington
TOP: Carolyn Foster
+Rev. Sara Scott-Wingo is on vacation with her family. She will return July 19th. If there are any emergencies while she is away, contact Deacon Carolyn Foster who will be able to contact Rev. Scott-Wingo.

+ St. Mark's Garden- We are planting a garden on the church grounds. See Deacon Carolyn for details
+Bible Study every Tuesday at noon in the Fellowship Hall
+ Let us keep Marc Smith in out prayers and all who are participating in the General Convention in Anaheim, CA from July 8th through July 17th. We also pray for safe travel for Marc and Sundra.
Almighty and ever living God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in the General Convention of the Episcopal Church for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

+Prayer Requests- If you would like the congregation to pray for a specific request for you or your family, please place your prayer request in the box on the back table in the sanctuary. If you would like prayer but not have the details published in the bulletin, then make a note that your prayer request is “unspoken.”
Nikara Washington ( standing)conducts ECW meeting after morning service.