July 1, 2009

Be On God's Side

Rev. Bill Blackerby has been a college chaplain at various campuses for over 16 years. He recently ventured into another area of ministry, that of teaching. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Blackerby during Rev. Sara Scott-Wingo's absence.

Rev. Blackerby remarked that through teaching you also learn. During this Fourth of July weekend the analogy of the war between the states and that of Abraham Lincoln’s role was explored. North and south both felt that, God was on their side. Such an announcement provokes the question,” How can God be for both sides?” Each faction feels that it is the superior one.

When Abraham Lincoln became president he was given a dismissive attitude by his associates. He was not from a privileged family, he was self educated, his clothing was worn and ill-fitting. William Seward who served as Secretary of State viewed Lincoln as inept and someone who’d won the election by a fluke. Seward, because of his feelings of superiority to Lincoln felt that he would actually be in charge of running things.

It is easy for us to categorize and make assumptions because of someone’s background or education. After realizing Lincoln’s competence Seward gained a respect for the president.

Jesus was treated in much this same way. Because of his humbleness he was disrespected, degraded and later killed. The reality is that God works through whomever he chooses. The warring factions of the north and south believed that, God was on their side. Instead of God being on our side, be on God’s side.
Be open to God working through people we least likely expect. This requires trust and humility from us. It is a gift to us and indeed Gospel.

2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10
Psalm 48
2 Corinthians 12:2-10
Mark 6:1-13

The Offertory Anthem and Communion Hymn
was player by Paul Goldman on the recorder. He also serves as Sr. Warden for St. Mark's.

Paul Goldman

Burial services were held for retired bishop, Bob Miller July 3rd, at 11:00 a.m. at Cathedral Church of the Advent. Bishop Miller had had heart surgery, had gone home from the hospital, and a few days later was readmitted to a critical care unit. There he died on June 29th. The Wingo family has very fond feelings for Bishop Miller as he was the Bishop who ordained them and oversaw them during their early ministry. Please keep his wife Peggy and their children and grandchildren in your prayers. Click here to read more about the life and ministry of Bishop Miller
ECW meeting Sunday, July 12, 2009. 11:30-12:30 in the sanctuary

Rev. Sara Scott-Wingo is on vacation with her family. She will return July 18th. If there are any emergencies while she is away, contact Carolyn Foster who will be able to contact Rev. Scott-Wingo. The Rev. Bill Blackerby will be leading worship on July 5th and the Rev. Rob Morpeth will be leading worship on July 12th. Each of these gifted priests will be sharing their gifts with us. We welcome them.

The General Convention for the Episcopal Church in the United States will convene July 6th in Anaheim, California. The convention will last for ten days. Marc Smith will be representing the diocese there. Please keep him in your prayers. Being a deputy to convention takes a lot of hard work and commitment and we are blessed that Marc is willing to serve in this way.

+ St. Mark's Garden- We are planting a garden on the church grounds. See Deacon Carolyn for details.

+Prayer Requests- If you would like the congregation to pray for a specific request for you or your family, please place your prayer request in the box on the back table in the sanctuary. If you would like prayer but not have the details published in the bulletin, then make a note that your prayer request is “unspoken.”

+Bertha Smith asks for your prayers regarding Daughters of the King (DOK). There is possibility that DOK may no longer be an Episcopal Order but an Ecumenical organization.


July is bursting with birthdays and anniversaries at St. Mark's.

top row left to right: Elgin & Andrea Duckery, Rev. Bill Blackerby & wife(not pictured),

Cassandra & Anthony Joseph.

bottom row left to right: David & Carlene Joseph, Ethan Duckery, Mamie Hymes,Alice Long

Independence Day also known as 4th of July is the birthday of the United States of America. It is celebrated on July 4th each year in the United States. It is the anniversary of the day on which the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress - July 4, 1776. The day they announced to the world that the 13 colonies no longer belonged to Great Britain. Independence Day was first observed in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776. reprinted from Just4Kids Magazine.
