June 28, 2009

The EYES Have It

The way we see things often depends on what we were taught. In today’s Gospel the daughter of Jairus is at the point of death. Jairus falls at Jesus’ feet and begs him to come and lay hands on his daughter so that she will live.

As Jesus travels toward the home of Jairus, “…a woman who had been suffering hemorrhages for twelve years…” had heard about the miracles of Jesus. She “came up behind Jesus and touched his cloak.” It was her faith and perception that if she could only touch his garment she would be healed. After doing so, she was immediately healed. Even surrounded by such a large crowd Jesus felt the power go forth from him and asked who had touched him? The woman was afraid to confess but fell at Jesus’ feet and told him the truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.” This woman realized she didn’t have to do anything to get Jesus attention. He knew her as he knows us all.

Word then came that Jairus’ daughter had died. While many had given up Jesus said, “ Do not fear, only believe.” Jesus along with three of his Disciples passed the wailing ,weeping people and entered the house. Assuredly, he let them know that the child was not dead, only asleep.
Seeing the child, Jesus took her hand and said to her, “Little girl get up!” The girl awoke and when Jesus returned to the mourning family he told them to give her something to eat and ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.
There is hope and life where you may think there is none.
God forgives mistakes. Believe it. See things with new eyes.

Wisdom of Solomon 1:13-15; 2:23-24
Mark 5:21-43

The Offertory music was provided by Elgin Duckery.
Elgin performed Holy, Holy, Holy on the tuba.
A recent graduate of Hoover High School ,
Elgin will attend college this fall.

+Sawyerville Day Camp- The St. Mark’s mid-week Bible study donated a gift of fifty-four books authored mostly by African Americans to the
Sawyerville Day Camp. Giving the gift of reading to children who would otherwise not have any books is an important ministry. Every year the Sawyerville Day Camp will have need of books. Maybe next year we will be able to donate even more.

+ECW meeting Sunday, July 12, 2009. 11:30-12:30 in the sanctuary

+From Rev. Sara Scott-Wingo- Beginning Wednesday afternoon, I will be on vacation. I will return July 18th. If there are any emergencies while I am gone, contact Carolyn Foster who will be able to contact me. The Rev. Bill Blackerby will be leading worship on July 5th and the Rev. Rob Morpeth will be leading worship on July 12th. Each of them is a gifted priest and I am excited that they will be sharing their gifts with you. Please make them feel welcome, and know I will be looking forward to returning to you on July 18th.

+The General Convention for the Episcopal Church in the United States will convene July 6th in Anaheim, California. The convention will last for ten days. Marc Smith will be representing the diocese there. Please keep him in your prayers. Being a deputy to convention takes a lot of hard work and commitment and we are blessed that Marc is willing to serve in this way. An invitation to St. Stephens Church June 28, 2009, from 3:30-5:30 was extended to all who wished to talk with the clergy and lay deputies who will be representing the Diocese of Alabama at the General Convention
+Prayer Requests- If you would like the congregation to pray for a specific request for you or your family, please place your prayer request in the box on the back table in the sanctuary. If you would like prayer but not have the details published in the bulletin, then make a note that your prayer request is “unspoken.”

*Update on Joan Anderson. The transplant request has not been sent yet because Joan is completing tests the result of which have to be attached along with lab work and doctor's notes. She has one more test after Monday's nuclear stress test and that's the colon exam.
Joan thanks all of St. Mark's for their prayers and the success of her kidney transplant.

+Bertha Smith asks for your prayers regarding Daughters of the King (DOK). There is a possibility that DOK may no longer be an Episcopal Order but an Ecumenical organization.

Welcome to the mother of Cassandra Joseph. Mrs. Marietta Andry was a part of the worship service today. Mrs. Andry is here visiting her daughter and family.

l.to r. Cassandra Joseph and her mother
Mrs. Marietta Andry