March 28, 2009

From Whence We Came

During the Lenten season St. Mark’s has explored its history. The first of this series was presented two weeks ago by Mr. Bertram Perry, son of Rev. Clyde Perry . Rev. Perry was the first Black rector of St. Mark’s in 1939. Bertram Perry gave first hand knowledge of what St. Mark’s was like during his boyhood.

The second of this series was presented
Mrs. Adrienne Lee

by Mrs. Adrienne Lee. Before the presentation, those in attendance enjoyed fellowship and a pot luck supper.

Afterwards, Mrs. Lee shared with us through visuals and personal research the beginning of St. Mark’s School in 1892 along with chronological details of other events. J.A. Van Hoose, Treasurer for the Episcopal Church at that time, felt that there should be a school to train recently freed slaves so that they could support themselves. The school began with forty five students and two teachers. In 1892 St. Mark’s began a mission church at 18th Street and Third Avenue North South. The vast quantity of St. Mark’s history can not be recounted here. These two sessions have been an Timeline of St. Mark's History indisputable learning experience of the works and struggles of the pioneers who laid the foundation for St. Mark’s. Someone once said: “You can’t know where you’re going unless you know where you’ve been.”

After the presentation Rev. Sara Scott opened the floor for brief discussion on thoughts and feelings regarding St. Mark’s then and now.

Dismissal with the Compline was led by Rev. Scott.


Jeremiah 31:31-34

Psalm 51:1-13 or Psalm 119:9-16

Hebrews 5:5-10

2009 Lenten Season
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
228 Dennison Ave. SW
Birmingham, AL 35211
205- 322-8449
+Sunday, April 5, 2009 10:00am Palm Sunday Service
+Thursday, April 9, 2009 6:00pm Maundy Thursday Service
+Friday, April 10, 2009 6:00pm Good Friday Service+Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:00am Easter Sunday Service ;Easter Egg Hunt (After Service)
This Sunday during Sunday School the children made candles and learned about prayers of confession.
+Learning: SUNDAY SCHOOL -Intergenerational Sunday School is held in the Parish Hall and will continue each Sunday from 9:00 - 9:45 am. All ages are welcomed.

+ Alms Giving: Maundy Thursday observes the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his Disciples.During Lent we will be sponsoring a food drive. There will be collection boxes in the narthex. How fitting to distribute food to those who are hungry on Maundy Thursday. More details to come
St. Andrew's serves a full, hot meal, Monday - Friday during lunch time. Groups sometimes come to dine with the hungry and homeless. I have brought children there for lunch as well. It is important that children experience and learn that there are others who are not as fortunate as they are.
I personally frequent St. Andrews a few times a week. If anyone wants to volunteer to serve lunch, provide lunch, or just spend time with the hungry and homeless, the doors are always open. I've helped folks there and it did not cost me a dime. Sometimes just being there sends a strong message of hope.

Peace, Love and Wisdom. Embrace your day and all that you encounter --Titus Battle

+The Second Annual Mother /Daughter Weekend will be held April 17-19, 2009 at Camp McDowell. The retreat will be led by Rev. Sara Scott. Cost for the weekend is $75. Deadline for registration is April 13th. For more information click here
