April 4, 2009


Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem for Passover. Spreading branches as well as clothes along the path of arrival was a symbol of welcoming royalty. The people were excited because they’d heard of the many mystical marvels Jesus had performed. In the under current of this excitement was everyone wanting something from Jesus. This was proven by their shouts of "Hosanna!" which means "Save us now!" Some had political motives. Some wanted healing and some just happened to be in the vicinity. None of them realized that within seven days this outpouring of love would make a dramatic shift toward hatred leading to Jesus' death. But Jesus knew. He knew the mission God had sent him to earth to fulfill. Although the task was not one anyone would look forward to, Jesus remained focused on fulfilling the work of his Heavenly Father.
The Liturgy of the Word
Isaiah 50:4-9a

+Thursday, April 9, 2009 6:00pm MAUNDY THURSDAY Service

FOOD DRIVE collection continues until Wednesday, April 8th. Please continue to bring donations. Additional food will be donated by St. Luke’s. Rev. Sara and Deacon Carolyn will be packing the boxes of food on Thursday.

+Friday, April 10, 2009 6:00pm GOOD FRIDAY Service

+Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:00am EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE;Easter Egg Hunt (After Service)
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children will be held on Sunday, immediately follow service. Please bring one dozen candy filled eggs to church on Sunday. Thanks,Cassandra
+The sign up sheet for Easter lilies is on the back table. The lilies are $10 each.
+Many thanks to Charles Townsend for organizing the church cleanup and the many members who participated.
+Learning: SUNDAY SCHOOL -Intergenerational Sunday School is held in the Parish Hall and will continue each Sunday from 9:00 - 9:45 am. All ages are welcomed.

+The Second Annual Mother /Daughter Weekend will be held April 17-19, 2009 at Camp McDowell. The retreat will be led by Rev. Sara Scott. Cost for the weekend is $75. Deadline for registration is April 13th. For more information click here

+Bishop Parsley has rescheduled his visit to St. Mark’s for Wednesday night April 29th at 6:00 p.m. Mark your calendars.

Marcus Noel, Zoe Nelms, Marietta Cameron-Sowell, Carolyn Foster
