March 22, 2009

It Is By Grace You Have Been Saved

You’ve heard the sayings; “saved by the bell, and saved from drowning.” In the first perhaps a student was saved from an assignment he or she was unprepared for. This reprieve gives the student an opportunity to prepare. In the second example a person’s life is saved by intervention from one who intercedes on behalf of that person. A bell rang calling a halt to class. A buoy was thrown out to a drowning person. Someone or something saved that person. In each case a person was rescued through means other than their own.
Through God’s Grace we have been rescued from spiritual death and are afforded the opportunity to be redeemed through his blood to live in his glorious kingdom.
Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
Ephesians 2:1-10
Last Sunday’s sermon left us with a question. “WHY ARE YOU EPISCOPALIAN?”

Titus Battle gives his answer to that question.

I was introduced to the Episcopal Church by way of the honorable and most respectable Bishop Furman Charles Stough who is now an angel in heaven. I was raised Pentecostal and wanted a more conservative, intellectual and friendlier approach to God/Spirituality. My relationship with God through the Episcopal Church has enhanced my life. God and I are the best of friends. Brother Jesus still is remembered for his murder and less than respectable treatment. The memorial of his time here on earth 2000 years ago is coming up again and I think he wants folks to know about how he lived before he was arrested and sentenced to death. Brother Jesus was one of the happiest, compassionate, friendly and kind human beings of all times. My contribution to the Anglican community is to continue the dialogue and focus on Jesus. Jesus walked, talked and loved many.
Thank you Bishop Stough for the gift that will last for generations within the Battle family.
Peace be with You


2009 Lenten Season

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

228 Dennison Ave. SW

Birmingham, AL 35211

205- 322-8449


March 25, 2009

6:00pm - 7:30pm

Program, Supper, and Compline(Speakers to lead discussions)

+Sunday, April 5, 2009 10:00am Palm Sunday Service+Thursday, April 9, 2009 6:00pm Maundy Thursday Service+Friday, April 10, 2009 6:00pm Good Friday Service

+Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:00am Easter Sunday Service ;Easter Egg Hunt (After Service)

This Sunday during Sunday School the children made candles and learned about prayers of confession.

+Learning: SUNDAY SCHOOL -Intergenerational Sunday School is held in the Parish Hall and will continue each Sunday from 9:00 - 9:45 am. All ages are welcomed.
+ Alms Giving: Maundy Thursday observes the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his Disciples.During Lent we will be sponsoring
a food drive. There will be collection boxes in the narthex. How fitting to distribute food to those who are hungry on Maundy Thursday. More details to come
+ Vestry meeting will be held next Sunday after church.

+The Second Annual Mother /Daughter Weekend will be held April 17-19, 2009 at Camp McDowell. The retreat will be led by Rev. Sara Scott. Cost for the weekend is $75. Deadline for registration is April 13th. For more information click here

The Young Lions
by Titus Battle
Great Day ! Mike Milner was the presenter of today's topic which was "Family." The foundation of the Young Lions mentoring program was built upon this purpose. The subject of fatherhood and its importance in the life a man was the main focus. The young men were counseled on the importance of being an active Dad something many are sure to encounter in later years.
During the naming of our family members the Dad was left out, yet all the mentors present were active fathers, David Cook, Jerome Womack and myself were the mentors present to support Mike Milner. The boys were challenged to keep today’s session in mind for their futures when they become fathers. They were encouraged to remain in their child's life.

Thanks to Ethnographic Filmmaking of the U.A.B. Film Department for coming out and spending the entire session with us.
“Ethnographic Filmmaking is an interdisciplinary class offered at UAB that merges the methods of documentary filmmaking, art and anthropology as a way for students to research and represent local communities through film. This course is part of the Digital Community Studies Program housed in UAB’s Center for Urban Affairs.”
The goal of the course is for students to gain a better understanding of the community they are researching and to fairly represent the community they are working with.
The final product will be seen on screen at the Imax Theatre in the near future. Dates and times to be announced.
Editor’s note from Deacon Carolyn’s e-mail: “ Many thanks to Titus for making this connection.” :

Be advised any and all members are welcomed to stop by, say hello, give a few words of encouragement or pull up a chair and share the wisdom. God Bless you and God Bless All the Children of the World. Peace.
