October 5, 2008

Who is the Greatest?

Today Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Father Charles Taylor who began his sermon with a story of his daughter Marie who is now 38 years old. When Marie was in her early teens, she would often refer to herself with the signature: "Marie the greatest!". Not because she was egotistical, but because she wanted to feel good about herself. We all try to do that - feel good about ourselves. Often because something inside of us may not be totally satisfying. Many went to Jesus because of something missing: the rich young ruler, and Nicodemus for example.

Once while traveling with his disciples, Jesus attempted to explain something very important to them about his betrayal. They did not grasp the teaching and an argument started among them as to which of them was the greatest. He said to them that he who is least among you all - he is the greatest.

A Roman Catholic Priest once told the story of a King who wanted to reward the greatest in his kingdom. Those brought before him were first, the richest in the kingdom, then one who had done great healing, another who was great in the law of the kingdom, another who had great business success in the kingdom - it was a hard task. The last one presented was an older woman - her hair white and her eyes shining with wisdom - she had been their teacher. The king chose her as the greatest - for she was a servant to all of the others - not to get for herself, but to give to others....

Another example was in the man who was divorced and prayed constantly to be able to put his life back together again. He says that it was when he stopped praying that way, and turned his life over to the Lord, asking Him to be with him, that things began to change. So many prayer requests are to use God than to know Him. Do we know Him? Do we seek to get or to give? You may say, "what do we have to give"? Nothing but ourselves.

Become humble, accept God's love and forgiveness, and be a servant to all of God's people- that's greatness. Amen.

Scripture Readings
Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20
Psalm 19
Philippians 3:4b-14
Matthew 21:33-46

Parish Announcements
  • Congratulations to Jalete Nelms who appeared on Sunday's episode of "My House is Worth What?" on HGTV.
  • Thanks to Mamie Hymes for posting St. Mark's family news articles on our bulletin board.
  • Saint Mark's Fall Fling will be Sunday, October 12th.
  • October birthdays were celebrated with a birthday cake today in the fellowship hall.