October 9, 2008

Are You Ready?

We are pleased to have Deacon Carolyn back at “home” with us. While away she has been a part of Confirmation with the Bishop and a part of the Service of Repentance held in Philadelphia..

Deacon Carolyn explained the background of a Jewish wedding. Planning of the wedding was an elaborate affair. The wedding would be announced but, without a day or a time. The wedding could not take place until after the groom had prepared a home to which to deliver his bride. Weddings would sometimes last for days.
In today’s Gospel the parable is told of a king who has his servants go out and announce to those invited to his son’s wedding banquet to come. Everything is ready. After such a long delay before the wedding the invited guests continue what they are doing and ignore the announcement. None of the guests attend the banquet. Some of the servants of the king are mistreated and even killed by these potential guests. Furious, the king sends his army to kill the murderers and burn down their city.
Much has gone into the preparation of this elaborate feast. The king decides that these former guests were not worthy and has his servants go out and invite anyone they see, good or bad. Scanning the new throng of invitees the king observes a man not wearing a wedding robe. The king asks the man how was he able to enter being improperly dressed. The interloper has no reply. The king tells his attendants, “Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” This of course is a metaphor for hell. The parable ends “For many are called, but few are chosen.”
God wants us to know about the kingdom of heaven. Deacon Carolyn challenged us with questions of our own readiness:
*Are we ready? We should be prepared for God’s coming at all times. Will we give up and get tired of waiting?
*Are we worthy? God is omnipresent. Do we hear his call through his servants?
*Are we clothed in the right spirit? Are we wearing the right garments of faith and reverence?
God’s invitation is open to all. Are we ready to accept it?

Exodus 32:1-4 Psalm 106:1-6 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14

+ The children’s choir will rehearse next Sunday, October 19th, immediately after the 10:00
service. Please mark your calendars.

+ Take note of the Adult choir and VOP rehearsal schedule to the right of this page

+ The 2008 Presidential election is drawing near. This is the time to have our voices heard. You still have time to register to vote. If you are a college student or if you plan to be out of town, be sure to submit an absentee ballot. You may register at your local courthouse. For more information visit http://www.sos.state.al.us/elections/ Click on the left handed sidebar for “Absentee Voting”.

+ Congratulations to Olivia Washington who reached a plateau which awarded her a new 2009 Mary Kay Cadillac CTS. Olivia will be relocating her Mary Kay Training Center to the Flint Ridge Building in Fairfield. The grand opening to be announced. Way To Go, Olivia!


Stars continue to reign

Jalette Nelms appears on HGTV

click photo to read article

The annual Fall Fling was held today beginning with a sacred service under the pines.
click pictures to enlarge and read captions.

Marcus Jackson showcases his musical
talents with a saxophone solo

Members extend "Peace" to each other

Bible study member Mamie Hymes &
Richard Finley

side of the church...

Anthony Joseph finagles
the fire and fat for his famous fried fish
Firing up the drum
Galloping Gourmet Grillmaster, Cecil Washington
Chef extraordinaire, Anthony Joseph

Loyal subjects partake of the bounty
...keep going, and going, and ...

click photos