October 20, 2008

In God We Trust... or Do We?

Deacon Carolyn began her sermon by using examples of experiences in her own life. A good parent is concerned about his or her child in all matters and will pose questions to the child when things don’t seem quite right. Parents often already have the answers to the question(s) but allow the child an opportunity give their side of the story. Recalling some questions put to her by her mother were: “Where have you been? What did I tell you?” Upon becoming a mother herself, Deacon Carolyn found herself doing the same thing with her child. She recalled one instance in which she told her son when he was around age ten to take a bath. She heard the water running and he stayed in the bathroom for about twenty minutes and emerged with a towel wrapped around his waist. When asked if he had taken a bath and washed behind his ears his answer was ,”yes.” Deacon Carolyn explained that he looked the same way before and after the alleged bath. She had strong doubts that no bathing had taken place.
Jesus asks Peter a pointed question. He asks, “Who do men say I am?” Jesus already knows the answer to this question but he frequently asks these questions to allow the person to look deeper into themselves or to expose a fraud.

In today’s Gospel, although known enemies, the Pharisees and Herodians conspire to trap Jesus by asking a two-edged question. They ask, “Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor or not?” The emperor at this time was Caesar. The people of this time considered Caesar a god. Jesus, aware of their ploy, asked them to show him a coin. On the coin was a picture of Caesar and his title. Jesus in turn asked them, “Whose head is this and whose title?” They answered, “The emperor’s.” That is when Jesus stated, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

Who is the head of our lives? In God We Trust is stamped on all American money in an effort to keep us from trusting and focusing on money but on God. What is the head of our lives? Some allow jealousy, pride, envy, unforgiveness, and a feeling of worthlessness to guide them.
Who is the head of our lives? Is it God?
What is the head of our lives? Is it an overwhelming desire to do the will of God?

Bertha Smith reading the Scriptures and leading the Psalm
Exodus 33:12-23
Psalm 99
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
The Holy Gospel Matthew 22:15-22
It is our heartrending task to announce that Mrs. Catherine Burt, the mother of Joyce Ladd died suddenly early this morning. Funeral arrangements are incomplete at this time. You will be apprised upon finalization of the preparations. Keep Joyce and her family in your prayers during this challenging time.
+Michael Milner was hospitalized this past Tuesday at Princeton Hospital. He is scheduled for surgery on Monday, October 20th.
+ Mary Sutton was released from St. Vincent’s Hospital on Friday but had to return on Sunday after a reoccurrence of her illness.
+Sam Nelms is recuperating after knee surgery.
Continue to pray for these and others listed in the sidebar
+The flowers on the altar were given by Cassandra Joseph in recognition of the birthdays of her husband Anthony Joseph and son Justin Gray.

Happy birthday Anthony & Justin
+Stewardship month begins in November
+Math wizard Aaron Joseph and his team scored fourth place in the Math Regionals. This mighty team rivaled twenty-four other schools. Aaron teamed with his Dad, Anthony Joseph to collect today’s Offering
Aaron Joseph & his Dad, Anthony Joseph
A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look at TV commercials and see if they could use them in some way to communicate ideas about God. Here are some of the results: scroll down
1.God is like: BAYER ASPIRIN
He works miracles.
2.God is like : a FORD
He's got a better idea.
3.God is like: COKE
He's the real thing.
4.God is like: HALLMARK CARDS
He cares enough to send His very best.
5.God is like: TIDE
He gets the stains out that others leave behind.
He brings good things to life.
7.God is like: SEARS
He has everything.
8.God is like: SCOTCH TAPE
You can't see Him, but you know he’s there.
9.God is like: ALLSTATE
You're in good hands with Him.
10. God is like: BOUNTY
He is the quicker picker upper, can handle the tough jobs. . .and He won't fall apart on you.