September 27, 2008

How Has God Provided For You?

Sr. Warden, Paul Goldman conducts Morning Prayer

Today's Morning Prayer and Homily Service was conducted by our own Sr. Warden, Paul Goldman. Sr. Warden Paul began by announcing to the congregation that he was as shocked as they were that he was conducting the service. Then he explained Deacon Carolyn's absence(see announcements)Through Paul's Homily many questions were put to the audience.
How has God provided for you?
How has God provided for you through another person?
What miracles has God worked for you?
The Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians encourages the church of Philippi to work together as a system. Look not to your own interests but the interests of others. We are vessels that God is using. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit. Accordingly, in our own Christian lives, outreach can serve as a means of humbling ourselves to the needs of others. By doing so we also recognize the presence of Christ in others.

In the parable of the two sons a father asks one son to work in the vineyard to which he refuses. Later the son has a change of heart and obeys his father's wishes. The father goes to the second son and also asks him to work in the vineyard. The second son tells his father that he will do as he wishes but he does not. The chief priests pose the question, "Which of the sons did the will of his father?" Using metaphors of tax collectors and prostitutes, Jesus surprisingly reveals that the radical is often brought to repentance while the strict fundamentalist becomes haughty and hostile. r.back row Paul and Paige Goldman
Paul's brother, Pete. front row sisters:Sarah and Mary Goldman.
Camille and Jasmine Goldman: daughters of
Pete Goldman

Exodus 17:1-7
Philippians 2:1-13
Holy Gospel Matthew 21:23-32

+Deacon Carolyn Foster is away today with the Bishop at Confirmation.

+The Alabama Faith Council is sponsoring an interfaith dialogue panel discussion this evening, September 28th at 7 pm at the Masjidul Qur’ran in North Birmingham. It is located at 3224 26th Street North. The Muslim community will be finishing their fast of Ramadan, similar to our Lenten season. Sunday at sunset, their fast is over and we will join them for dinner and a discussion on what we have in common. The theme is “Prayer,Fasts and Feasts”. Panelists will share some of their experiences of the faith practiced from their religious traditions. Representatives on the panel will be a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Native American and Christian. It should be a wonderful learning experience. Let Deacon Carolyn know if you would like to attend.

+St. Mark's annual Fall Fling will be held October 12th of next month

+The 119th Annual ECW Fall Conference will be held October 9th and 10th, 2008 at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 3775 Crosshaven Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35223. Guest speaker will be The Rev. Dr. Jo Bailey Wells. The conference theme is "Blessed Is She Who Believes." For details, click here.

+Giving flowers for the altar is a wonderful way to honor, remember and celebrate special people and events in our lives. Please consider placing flowers on the altar for one Sunday this year. The sign up calendar is located on the bulletin board outside the Fellowship Hall.*****

+ A two-day solemn observance has been planned for October3-4 at the historic African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. St. Thomas was founded in 1792 and is the oldest Black Episcopal Church in the U.S.. The Episcopal Church will take a monumental step and publicly apologize for its involvement in transatlantic slavery. Our own Deacon Carolyn Foster will be in attendance.********

John Meehan, Community Activist
The U.S. Presidential election takes place November 4, 2008. Some may be unsure of what the candidates positions are. In an effort to clear up some of the confusion, community activist, John Meehan had circulars from Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. He offered this information to any who were interested. John made clear that his reason for this distribution was to offer concise information into the candidates positions on various matters and not an attempt to garner votes for either.
Dr. Mable B. Anderson, CEO for the Village Creek Society

Dr. Mable Anderson thanked the congregation for their prayers and gave an update on the Fourth Annual Village Creek Cleanup . This year's event, held September 10-13 boasted over 200 volunteers. Parish member Charles Townsend served as one of the captains at this year's cleanup. The amount of trash collected this year has not yet been determined. Past tonnage amounts show 2007 with nine tons of trash collected and 2006 with twenty tons of trash collected. Dr. Mable stated that last year's number seems to indicate that people are becoming more aware of the destructiveness of pollution and the benefits of a cleaner environment.

Can you guess the owner of these ruby red slippers?
answer below

There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in another part of the country. 'Is there anything breakable in here?' asked the postal clerk. 'Only the Ten Commandments.' answered the lady.
'Somebody has said there are only two kinds of people in the world. There are those who wake up in the morning and say, 'Good morning, Lord,' and there are those who wake up in the morning and say, 'Good Lord, it's morning.'

Those ruby red slippers belong to Mamie Hymes.