September 21, 2008

Come To the Party ...Of Grace

Today we celebrate the Holy Eucharist Service with a special celebrant and friend The Rev.Canon Heidi E. Kinner. Rev. Heidi is the Canon Missioner at The Cathedral Church of the Advent.

Rev. Heidi began by admitting her disturbance with “The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.” (Matthew 20:1-16) In the parable a landowner pays workers who worked no more than an hour the same wage he pays the workers who have worked from sunup to sundown. The full day workers complained and were upset with the landowner for paying the one hour workers a full wage. The landowner tells these grumblers that he has paid them what they agreed upon and tells them to be satisfied. He further states that he is allowed to do what he wills with what he owns. As a youngster Rev. Heidi said that she could understand the ire of the full day workers who complained to the landowner. She felt that God was being gullible and foolish in this parable. As an eldest child she felt it was her responsibility to set a positive example for her younger brother. By giving her all in everything she did she felt that she had earned whatever she attained. To the contrary, her brother, she felt was a “slacker” allowed to get by while still profiting.

It was not until a family crisis ensued involving her brother because of his “slacker” lifestyle that she revisited the parable. It was her feeling that her parents should use the tough love approach toward her brother. Instead, her parents as well as others treated her brother with love and compassion. Slowly, he returned to normalcy. As a result, she began to engage in more Bible study, and gained clarity in the “Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.” The workers are the lambs gathered in for salvation. Some seek salvation early while others seek it later. God is the landowner. We all get salvation no matter what. Salvation can’t be earned by merit and good works. God is not gullible or foolish, just overflowing with love.

Rev. Heidi encourages us to let go of the scorecard of life and come to the party of grace.*****

+Vestry meeting will be held Thursday, September 25th at 6:00 p.m.

+The Young Lions program has been blessed with additional funds from a generous benefactor. This amount added to last Sunday's presentation by the Wednesday Noon Bible Study Group should get them off to a good start.


A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, 'I know what the Bible means!' His father smiled and replied, 'What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means? The son replied, 'I do know!' 'Okay,' said his father. 'What does the Bible mean?' 'That's easy, Daddy...' the young boy replied excitedly,' It stands for Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.'