September 14, 2008

Christians Aren't Perfect, Just Forgiven

Chalice Administrator, Paul Goldman and Deacon Carolyn Foster prepare for the Holy Eucharist

MORNING PRAYER was conducted by St. Mark's own Deacon Carolyn Foster. In the Gospel of Matthew 18:21-35 Peter asks Jesus how often should he forgive a brother who has sinned against him? Peter feels he is being generous with the wrongdoer by suggesting forgiving as many as seven times. But Jesus tells him seventy time seven times. This means to forgive endlessly. None are perfect. We all come with baggage. That baggage may be composed of loneliness, pride, self-absorption, gossip etc. This baggage blocks our blessings.

An illustration of a young man named Christian in the book Pilgrim's Progress shows him hauling a huge amount of baggage/ burden on his back. Christian's goal is to reach the Celestial City(heaven). In order to succeed he must rid himself of the burden he is carrying.

Forgiveness is for the offended one not the offender. Continuing to distress over a past hurt only makes the burden heavier. Not becoming upset over a past transgression when it comes to mind is a true sign of forgiveness. Unburden yourself. Let it go. *****
First Reading Exodus 14:19-31
Second Reading Romans 14:1-12
The Holy Gospel Matthew 18:21-35*****
Deacon Carolyn Foster was astounded when the Wednesday Noon Bible Study group presented her with a generous check to be used toward continuing her outreach program, The Young Lions. The Young Lions are a group of young African American boys from a single parent(mother) family paired with an African American male . Providing a positive, constructive male role model along with spiritual guidance is part of the goal toward encouraging these young men toward an optimistic future.

Members of the Noon Bible Study 1. to r;Olivia Washington, Mamie Hymes, Deacon Carolyn(center), Heager Hill, Bertha Smith(spokesperson) and DeLeon Fancher *****

Ushers, Cecil Washington and George Ladd oversee
guiding parishioners to the altar during Communion

Acolytes leaving the altar after service

Choir members, Ellarine Stroud and Marietta Cameron-Sowell
lead the Recessional after the morning services
+ Thanks to all who provided music during the summer. Our hearts were enriched by your generous sharing of musical talents. Now that the summer is over, the choir has resumed rehearsals. We meet Wednesday evening 6:30-8:00. All are invited to join us as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord.*****

+ Vestry meeting will be held Saturday, September 20th at 2:30 p.m.*****

+Giving flowers for the altar is a wonderful way to honor, remember and celebrate special people and events in our lives. Please consider placing flowers on the altar for one Sunday this year. The sign up calendar is located on the bulletin board outside the Fellowship Hall.*****

+ St. Mark's history is being housed in the archives of Birmingham Public Library-Downtown. A list of funeral programs that have been submitted is on the bulletin board in the hallway. All programs were included whether they were members of St. Mark's or not. These programs could be of value to those researching family history now or in the future. If you have programs that you would like to submit, you may take them directly to the library or give them to Sylvia McClain. She will tender them on her next visit.
