September 7, 2008

The Ant Girl

Rev. Jayne Pool(l.) and Rev. Deacon Carolyn Foster(r.) prepare for Communion

Holy Eucharist was celebrated with Rev. Jayne Pool. Centered around forgiveness Rev.Pool told the story of growing up with few children in her community. Her brother was fortunate in that the children available were boys but, no girls. Until, one day a neighbor moved in with a girl a couple years older than she. One day while playing the "new girl" stirred a stick in an ant bed and then told Jayne to hold it. Of course her response to the girl was no. That's when the "new girl" told Jayne that if she didn't hold the stick, she would no longer be her friend. Desperate to keep her friend she held the ant laden stick and became the recipient of the conceivable results. As Jayne howled in agony her mother rushed outside asking what happened. The new girl explained in feigned innocence that Jayne was being bitten by ants. Jayne's mother rushed her inside and into the shower. Upon later investigation of what really happened, Jayne's mother forbade her to play with the "ant girl" which she obeyed. All ties with the offending family were cut off.

On entering high school Jayne and the "ant girl's" paths crossed again. The ant girl had grown into an attractive and friendly girl who remembered Jayne and tried to renew the lost friendship. Jayne remembered what had happened ten years earlier and didn't reciprocate the gesture. The ant matter had never been discussed with the ant girl or her parents. After the physical hurt Jayne had been left emotionally bitter.

Matthew 18:15-20 makes reference to being "loosed and bound". We are bound when we hold grudges. We are loosed when we forgive. Today's Gospel is what could be considered conflict resolution. It instructs us on what to do in the matters of conflict and hurt. Rev. Jayne explained that because communication about the ant incident was never discussed with the girl or her parents the seeds of ill feelings were sown. This girl may have been a wonderful friend who could have helped her during her transition into high school or later been a positive impact in her life. We diminish our lives when we are bound and don't forgive. When we forgive Jesus is there.*****
First Reading-Exodus 12:1-14
Psalm 149
Second Reading-Romans 13:8-14

Musician, Sundra Smith leads the choir in the
Offertory music, Song of Thanksgiving


Birthday honoree Bertha Smith(far left in pink)
is joined by (from r.) Ariel Cameron,
Andrea Duckery, and Mary Williams

Though hard at work, Kathy Cook(second from left in dark blue)
celebrates a birthday this month. Also pictured are (l.) Ellarine Stroud,
Kathy, Claudette Stallworth, and Ocie Milner

Marcellus Smith also celebrates his birthday this month. September is a busy month for Marc.


Celebrating 30 years of marriage
Marcellus and Sundra Smith
Marc Smith gives his ecstatic bride, Sundra
a kiss

Celebrating 35 years of marriage
Cecil and Olivia Washington
The blissful couple gives a radiant smile
September 7th was the last St. Mark's First Sunday Potluck Luncheon which immediately followed the morning service. Members, friends and visitors were invited to stay for this fabulous luncheon coordinated by Jackie Nixon.
Jackie Nixon clasps a ladle as
she readies herself to prepare
A message from Jacqueline Nixon
I would like to extend a special thank you to all who helped to make our final pot luck luncheon a success. Indeed it was a success and it could not have been successful without your help.
Thank you all kindly.
Jacqueline Nixon *****

+Giving flowers for the altar is a wonderful way to honor, remember and celebrate special people and events in our lives. Please consider placing flowers on the altar for one Sunday this years. The sign up calendar is located on the bulletin boards outside the Fellowship Hall.

+The last session of the Healthy Congregations study by Peter Steinke will be held Sunday, September 14th from 8:45-9:45am. in the Fellowship Hall. Deacon Carolyn will officiate.

+A tear off sheet is being provided each Sunday so that you can place names of your favorite hymns in the basket at the back of the church. From this survey we hope to hear all the collections that mean something to each of us.

+ If you were not present when pictures were taken for the St.Mark's Picture Directory but would like to submit one, e-mail it to Deacon Carolyn and hopefully there is still time.(check roster for e-mail address)*****

The Recessional song was When Terror Streaks Through Morning Skies
The lyrics were written by Mary Louise Bringle two days after the events of September 11, 2001. It is at once a lament, an intercession, and a thanksgiving for the courageous acts of rescue workers.
Verse 1

When terror streaks through morning skies And
fear dazed minds grow numb, With interceding,
prayerful sighs, O Healing Spirit come.

Verse 2
Come reach us through the mute appeal Of
dust-smeared hands and face Whose acts of valiant
love reveal an unexpected grace.

Verse 3
Through ash and rubble of our past, You
held our hopes alone. Rebuild our fragile
dreams to last: Of faith and not of stone.

Verse 4
Redeeming God, when hatreds turn Our
morning skies to night, Transform our raging
hearts to yearn For peace and healing light.