Have you ever lost something that was important to you? What did you do? Did you simply forget about it? Most often if something of importance is lost we spend much time trying to find it. We search places where we think it may be. We search places we last left. We may even ask someone if they have seen our lost item.
In LUKE 15:1-10 Jesus is again criticized by the company he keeps among those being tax collectors and sinners. Jesus relates a parable to his critics. He tells the story of a shepherd who oversees 100 sheep but discovers one of them is missing. Sheep played a huge role in the economy of this time. The fleece can be used for clothing. The meat can be used for food. The fat can be used for candles, soap and many other necessities. Because of this, it is imperative that none of this investment (the sheep) be lost .
The parable continues with Jesus explaining , LUKE 10:4-5 “Which of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them does not leave the ninety- nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until it is found?” This parable indicates that Jesus seeks all of the spiritually lost. He doesn’t give up on us. He seeks us and it is our decision as to whether we will follow him. Jesus illustrates further with the story of a woman who searches for a lost coin within her home. She uses a lamp to brighten her search. She sweeps the house searching carefully for the lost coin. We experience light in our lives illuminating the road to salvation. Sweeping away that which is harmful to our overall spiritual growth allows us to find that which God has intended for us.
In both lessons there is much rejoicing after finding the lost sheep and the lost coin. LUKE 15:10 “Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28
Psalm 141
Timothy 1:12-17
Luke 15:1-10
In LUKE 15:1-10 Jesus is again criticized by the company he keeps among those being tax collectors and sinners. Jesus relates a parable to his critics. He tells the story of a shepherd who oversees 100 sheep but discovers one of them is missing. Sheep played a huge role in the economy of this time. The fleece can be used for clothing. The meat can be used for food. The fat can be used for candles, soap and many other necessities. Because of this, it is imperative that none of this investment (the sheep) be lost .
The parable continues with Jesus explaining , LUKE 10:4-5 “Which of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them does not leave the ninety- nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until it is found?” This parable indicates that Jesus seeks all of the spiritually lost. He doesn’t give up on us. He seeks us and it is our decision as to whether we will follow him. Jesus illustrates further with the story of a woman who searches for a lost coin within her home. She uses a lamp to brighten her search. She sweeps the house searching carefully for the lost coin. We experience light in our lives illuminating the road to salvation. Sweeping away that which is harmful to our overall spiritual growth allows us to find that which God has intended for us.
In both lessons there is much rejoicing after finding the lost sheep and the lost coin. LUKE 15:10 “Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28
Psalm 141
Timothy 1:12-17
Luke 15:1-10
There will be an open house at the rectory on October 10th announcing its use as a Resource Center as part of a new St. Mark’s ministry. The Resource Center will open its doors to the community with coffee, computers, games and books.
Volunteers are needed to help clean the rooms. It has been suggested that each family commit to cleaning a room. Single persons may connect with a family or band with other singles to help with the cleaning.
Though there is some furniture , more is needed. The following is a list of items needed to get our rectory ready for the Open House on Oct. 10. Please contact Cassandra Joseph if you can donate any new or used items.
Small desk for reception area
Small dinette set (or dining room table and chairs)
Floor and table lamps
Game tables (or folding card tables)
Bulletin boards
Magazine racks
Floor rugs
Short pews for chapel
A coffeemaker
Small ice machine
Vacuum cleaner/electric broom
Also on October 10th , the Fall Fling will be held. Worship will take place under the pines and a cookout will follow.
NOTE:There will be no covered dish lunch on Oct. 3 due to Fall Fling.
ECW meeting was opened by the President, Jalete Nelms whose motivational message spoke of Perserverance. The President recognized Marietta Cameron as Vice-President and Nicole Stroud as Secretary.
ECW scholarships were awarded to high school graduates Arielle Cameron and Ramon Mumford.
A donation was sent to Episcopal Place for gifts for the December birthday party that St. Mark’s usually sponsors.
The President would like to have ECW dues wrapped up by the end of the month.
The 121st Fall Conference will be held in Anniston , Alabama, October 7-8th at St. Michaels and All Angels.
Daughter2Daughter quarterly sessions will begin in November.
A training session for Children’s Church with parents and volunteers was held at 9:00 am and led by Rev. Sara Scott. Rev. Scott demonstrated the method of Godly play.
Parents and volunteers will conduct lessons on the 2nd and 4th Sundays with the children. Children will remain in their classes until the Offertory . At that time they will return to their parents. There are still plenty of spaces open for anxious volunteers.
Students beginning to gather for Children's Church
Mrs. Sundra Smith practices with the Children's Choir

Wanted posters for "lost sheep" designed by children .
VESTRY MEETING September 19th after church.

ECW meeting was opened by the President, Jalete Nelms whose motivational message spoke of Perserverance. The President recognized Marietta Cameron as Vice-President and Nicole Stroud as Secretary.
ECW scholarships were awarded to high school graduates Arielle Cameron and Ramon Mumford.
A donation was sent to Episcopal Place for gifts for the December birthday party that St. Mark’s usually sponsors.
The President would like to have ECW dues wrapped up by the end of the month.
The 121st Fall Conference will be held in Anniston , Alabama, October 7-8th at St. Michaels and All Angels.
Daughter2Daughter quarterly sessions will begin in November.
A training session for Children’s Church with parents and volunteers was held at 9:00 am and led by Rev. Sara Scott. Rev. Scott demonstrated the method of Godly play.



VESTRY MEETING September 19th after church.