In the parable of the unjust steward a rich man discovers that the man he left to manage his property has been cheating him. Confronting the steward about his dishonesty the rich man gives him notice. The steward realizes that he will become destitute after his dismissal. He is too old to dig and his pride will not allow him to beg. The steward devises a plan to outwit the rich man and secure his future. He goes to those who are in debt to the rich man and has them reduce their amount of recompense. To some he reduces it by 20% and with others as much as 50%. It is the stewards plan to show favor to these debtors so that when he becomes poor, they will return the favor.
The rich man becomes aware of the steward’s scheme and commends him on his shrewdness. He is impressed with the stewards plot.
Is Jesus condoning dishonesty ? By no means. He is showing how the ungodly have the same interests. The rich man and the steward have the same value system. They are both interested in being rich no matter how they achieve their wealth. The focus is on possessions. Those of the world focus on worldly things but, worldly things pass away.
The Godly use worldly things to the glory of God. They seek the company of those like themselves. 10 ‘Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much. 11If then you have not been faithful with the dishonest wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? 12And if you have not been faithful with what belongs to another, who will give you what is your own?”
The Godly use worldly things to the glory of God. They seek the company of those like themselves. 10 ‘Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much. 11If then you have not been faithful with the dishonest wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? 12And if you have not been faithful with what belongs to another, who will give you what is your own?”
A steward of God can’t give equal focus to the world and to God. Let us give focus to the riches of God’s through his promises and faith.
Jeremiah 8:18-9:1
Timothy 2:1-7
Children’s Church September 26, 2010 at 10:00. During their last
assembly children learned that we are all God’s sheep and that he will seek even one that is lost to return to his fold. The children’s understanding was increased by drawing WANTED posters in search of the lost sheep. Volunteer’s for Children’s Church prepare interesting and knowledgeable lessons for the children and present them through Godly play. Why not make your child a part of this fun Biblical experience?
Children’s Church September 26, 2010 at 10:00. During their last
September 26, 2010, 2:00-4:00 As an act of warmth and welcome, and service and evangelism for our neighbors, we are hosting an ice cream social. There will be games and of course ice cream. The outreach and evangelism committee is organizing this. See Deacon Foster for details.
There will be an open house at the rectory on October 10th announcing its use as a Resource Center as part of a new St. Mark’s ministry. The Resource Center will open its doors to the community with coffee, computers, games and books.

There will be an open house at the rectory on October 10th announcing its use as a Resource Center as part of a new St. Mark’s ministry. The Resource Center will open its doors to the community with coffee, computers, games and books.
Volunteers are needed to help clean the rooms. It has been suggested that each family commit to cleaning a room. Single persons may connect with a family or band with other singles to help with the cleaning.
Though there is some furniture , more is needed. The following is a list of items needed to get our rectory ready for the Open House on Oct. 10. Please contact Cassandra Joseph if you can donate any new or used items.
Small desk for reception area
Small dinette set (or dining room table and chairs)
Floor and table lampsGame tables (or folding card tables)
Bulletin boards
Magazine racks
Floor rugs
Short pews for chapel
A coffeemaker
Small ice machine
Vacuum cleaner/electric broom
Also on October 10th , the Fall Fling will be held. Worship will take place under the pines and a cookout will follow.
NOTE:There will be no covered dish lunch on Oct. 3 due to Fall Fling.
Bishop’s Election
Consider letting your name go into nomination as a St.Mark’s delegate to Diocesan Convention. Delegates will represent us at convention as well as vote in the upcoming Bishop's election. The delegates must be available for the following dates: Feb. 11-12 (Annual Convention in Birmingham), June 25 ( Nominees' for Bishop Walkabout in Birmingham), and July 16(Bishop's election.) We will elect our delegates at our annual parish meeting - date to be announced.
We have been invited to a baby shower for Aisha Stroud and Bertrand James on October 3, 3:00-6:00. Please see the bulletin board in the hall for details.
a companion parish to St. Mark’s. Parishioners are encouraged to discuss this proposal among themselves and with vestry members.
The Cheaha Convocation will host the ECW Fall Conference which will be held in Anniston, Alabama, October 7th and 8th, 2010 at St. Michaels and All Angels Episcopal Church.
The Cheaha Convocation will host the ECW Fall Conference which will be held in Anniston, Alabama, October 7th and 8th, 2010 at St. Michaels and All Angels Episcopal Church.