October 17, 2009

Service Not Power

There are those who are only concerned with self and self-interests. Such is the case with James and John who petition Jesus to place them at his left and right once he comes into glory. The two proclaim that they will do whatever is necessary in order to dwell with Jesus in the eternal. Jesus tells them that this is not his to allow.
When the other disciples hear of the request of James and John, they became incensed. Jesus sets them all straight by telling them,

"You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. Those who have power must first serve."

In the Christian life the goal is not power but service.

Isaiah 53:4-12


Children’s Sunday School this month will feature lessons about saints. Mamie Hymes will be planning the lesson for October 25th and Heager Hill will teach on November 1st. These teams will prepare fun and games to go along with the lessons. Parents make sure to get your children here by 9:20 am so that our lessons may begin promptly at 9:30am. Don’t miss out on the fun.
In today's Sunday School , Mary Williams told a story about a saint she knows.
The Kanye West song HEARTLESS was used to make up our own song about saints.
Join the fun every Sunday at 9:20 am.

Save the date of NOVEMBER 1st which is ALL SAINTS DAY on your calendar. We will have a covered dish lunch with your favorite Thanksgiving food. Remember these special occasions in our life together are wonderful opportunities to invite friends and family to enjoy our fellowship. Save the date and ask a friend to save the date too.

Deacon Carolyn presented to the congregation plans for the Daughter2Daughter outreach program for mothers and daughters in the surrounding community. The program will kick off on November 7, 2009. The program was well received by all in attendance.

