July 26, 2009

Infinite Possibilities

Here’s a math fact: “One can fit an infinite number of numbers between any two rational numbers.
This is because you can always cram in another number between any two in the set.”

For example: Between the numbers 1 and 2 may be 1 ½ , 1 1/8 etc.

After a day of teaching multitudes, Jesus tests Philip by asking , “Where can we find bread for all of these people?”

Philip, being a finite person exclaims, “ Six months wages would not buy enough food for all of these people.”

Andrew tells Jesus, “There is a boy here with five loaves of bread and two fish.”

After Jesus had takes the bread and fish and gives thanks , he distributes the food to the people. All were fed and satisfied and there was enough food left over for 12 baskets.

It is unknown to us as to how this could happen. Jesus the Omnipotent can accomplish all. This is an example of the infinite being found in the finite.

Feasting is not just about the food. It is the time we spend together enjoying each other’s company developing and maintaining relationships. God is our sustenance during difficult times. He encourages us to look at difficult situations with possibilities.

The eternal can cram itself into one tiny moment. Each person’s time on earth is finite and yet each life is full of possibility.

Each moment of every day is filled with the infinite love and life of God made possible through Jesus our Christ.


2 Kings 4:42-44

Psalm 145: 10-19
Ephesians 3:14-21
John 6:1-21

Guest soloist, Valencia Reese sung “The Tribute” during the Offertory


+The renovation of the rectory is almost complete. The rotten fascia board and soffits have been replaced and a primer has been put on them.
The leak in the roof has been repaired. Two ceilings inside the house have been replaced. Our next step is to get a volunteer paint crew to paint the fascia and soffits all around the house. Cecil Washington will organize with the men to arrange a time to complete the painting. Contact Cecil if you can lend a hand. We give thanks to our anonymous donor for the generous repair work.

+The National Alliance to End Homelessness has granted a consumer scholarship to Titus Battle. Titus will attend the 2009 National Conference on Ending Homelessness. The scholarship covers roundtrip transportation to Washington D.C. along with a stipend for conference related expenses. Hotel accommodations as well as conference registration are included in the scholarship. Titus will depart July 28, 2009 for this four day conference. As a long time advocate for the homeless and helpless Titus will have the opportunity to speak with government officials and their associates about the crisis of homelessness and how to combat it. We pray that Titus will have a safe and successful trip.
+Bishop Parsley has written a letter to the diocese In it, he reports about some of the resolutions passed at General Convention.

If you have any questions or concerns be sure to attend the covered dish luncheon at the church on August 2nd. Marc Smith will report on General Convention and Rev. Scott-Wingo will lead us in some discussion. A sign up sheet for the pot luck lunch has been placed on the bulletin board in the hall or you may contact Cassandra Joseph.
+Jalete Nelms Beyond the Pews story this month features Nikara Washington. Get to know your fellow parishioners up close and personal. Nikara's story is on the bulletin board in the hall.
+ Adoption Request- Rev. Scott-Wingo was
notified by an adoption agency this week that they have several African American babies they are looking to place with married couples. If you know of any couples who are considering adoption, put them in touch with Rev. Scott-Wingo

+ St. Mark’s Men and Boys- Anthony Joseph has volunteered to plan some fun activities this year for the men and boys of our parish. Rev. Scott-Wingo is asking all the men and boys of the parish to support this ministry with their participation. Feel free to contact Anthony if you want to help with the planning.

+ The clergy and vestry strives to build Christian relationships among its members. Fellowship after church has been reinstated. The month of July was hosted by vestry member, Ellarene Stroud.

Parishioners chat and chew
after morning service
+Bible Study Tuesdays at noon.
Mrs. Mamie Hymes and her grandneice Ms. Valencia Reese


Mr.DeLeon Fancher and his grandson Jamari Fancher

Jokes You Can Tell At Church

An elderly woman died last month. Having never married , she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, 'They wouldn't take me out while I was alive, I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.'
A police recruit was asked during the exam, 'What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?' He answered, 'Call for backup.'
A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem .. A small child replied, 'They couldn't get a baby-sitter.'