January 18, 2009

Follow Me

The Eucharistic Service was celebrated with The Rt. Rev. Robert O. Miller, retired Bishop of Alabama.

Hannah had been barren for many years but continued to petition God in prayer that she be allowed to bear a son. When she finally bears Samuel she praises God for his gift to her. She commits Samuel to the prophet Eli to minister to God as a servant in the temple.

As Samuel sleeps he is thrice awakened when he hears his name being called. Each time he thinks it is Eli who has summoned him. At the third time Eli realizes that God is calling Samuel. He instructs Samuel as to what he is to say if the Lord calls him again. When the Lord calls Samuel again, he responds, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

The Lord reveals to Samuel how he will destroy the house of Eli. Eli had been too lenient with his sons. When they committed abuses in the sanctuary he overlooked them. These abuses eventually led to the sons leading those they were to teach God’s way into wickedness. To all of this Eli turned a blind eye.

On the next day after God had spoken to Samuel, Eli wanted to know what the Lord had told him. Samuel is afraid to tell Eli the vision but, does so. Eli realizes the error of his ways, repents and is willing to accept the punishment of the Lord.

“As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beer-sheba knew that Samuel was a trustworthy prophet of the Lord.”

< Mrs. Peggy Miller poses with her husband, Bishop Robert O. Miller


I Samuel 3: 1-10 (11-20)
Psalm 139: 1-5, 12-17
I Corinthians 6:12-20
The Holy Gospel, John 1: 43-51

Olivia Washington reads the scriptures>

**The Offertory selection was sung by Joyce Ladd. She sang a lively, hand-clapping rendition of Blessed Assurance.

Joyce Ladd

+ Rev. Sara Scott will begin her position as Priest-in-charge at St. Mark’s on next Sunday, January 25th.

+ The vestry will meet with Rev. Scott at their next meeting to be held January 29th at 6:30 p.m.

+ The Diocesan Convention will be held in Montgomery, Alabama on February 19-21, 2009. Mark Smith and Heager Hill are St. Mark’s delegates.

+ Bishop Parsley’s annual visit to St. Mark’s will be the first Sunday in March. Anyone wanting to be baptized or confirmed should contact either Rev. Scott or Deacon Carolyn.

+ We are pleased to have back in our midst, Ms. Mamie Hymes who has been away convalescing.

+ Ellarene Stroud is resting comfortably after her surgery.

+ Keep in your prayers Anthony and Cassandra Joseph as well as Sundra Smith who are in Washington attending the historic inauguration of the 44th President of the U.S., Barack Obama.

Acolytes and Chalis Administrator recess from the service

Acolytes extinguish the candles after the service
At Sunday school they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs.Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and said, Johnny what is the matter? Little Johnny responded, "I have a pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife."