January 11, 2009


Morning Prayer was conducted by Deacon Carolyn Foster. The service began with the Opening Acclamation on page 78 in the BCP*. The service continued with the Invitatory and Psalter on page 83 in the BCP.
Deacon Carolyn began her sermon by defining Epiphany. Epiphany is a Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi. Three important things happened over the course of time after Epiphany.
Baptism is an outward symbol of inward renewal. Until His baptism Jesus lived an ordinary life. He was a carpenter, a son, a brother much like those around him. Jesus’ baptism launched Him into His ministry.
Though he was without sin he symbolically repented to show mankind what should be done to renew the spirit. Through repentance we have a change of heart and mind. After Jesus was baptized his renunciation took place. He renounced the past giving up his work and family. He gave fully of himself. He was launched into a new reality to serve God. and his kingdom.
As in our own baptism we were asked:

Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord?

To which we answer: I will, with God’s help.

Likewise whenever others are baptized we recommit ourselves by responding to the baptismal questions asked.
Over the next few weeks we will hear stories of various miracles performed by Christ and how they relate to us as Christians.
*Book of Common Prayer


+Rev. Sara Scott Wingo has accepted the position as Priest-in-Charge here at St. Mark’s. Rev. Scott (Her preferred name) will begin her ministry on Sunday, January 25th. As we receive the messages intended for our St. Mark’s body, let us pray for wisdom and openness of heart to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

+Keep the family of Marcus Noel in your prayers. He attended funerals of his cousin Nettie Frances Shaw and a very close friend and classmate, C. Anthony Johnson.

+The Diocesan Convention will be held in Montgomery, February 19-21, 2009. St. Mark’s delegates are Heager Hill and Mark Smith.

+Bishop Miller will be the visiting preacher next Sunday.

+The next vestry meeting will be held January 29, 2009 with Rev. Sarah Scott

Mr. Fancher

Mr. DeLeon Fancher has consented to continue researching the history of St. Mark's Church. St. Mark's is the oldest predominantly Black Episcopal Church in the state of Alabama. Mr. Fancher's 94 years young sister is a product of the St. Mark's School which originated during the early 1900's. Surely she has been an inspiration in his writings. Along with early historical data, Mr. Fancher has prepared an essay with documentation of St. Mark's role during the Civil Rights era. He will present this essay at the 2009 Diocesan Convention.


>The annual meeting was held today after the ten o’clock service. The meeting was conducted by Senior Warden, Paul Goldman.
There were five nominations for the three openings on the vestry with an additional nomination from the floor. The three new vestry members are Andrea Duckery, Joyce Ladd and Charles Townsend

>The church Treasurer, Cassandra Joseph gave her report and the next year’s budget which was approved.

>Bible Study meets at noon on Wednesday’s. The group is studying The Gospel of St. John by William Barclay.

>Cecil Washington’s position as Jr. Warden has expired. He will be relinquishing “the keys” to the next Jr. Warden but says he is still available when called upon for church duties.

>Sundra Smith invites anyone who is interested to join the choir.

>The church clerk, Marietta Cameron-Sowell distributed the final draft for the church directory. This was a last effort to take photographs and make any corrections before the directory goes to press.

>Outgoing four year ECW President, Joyce Ladd gave a report on the 2008 activities of the ECW. Among these being:

Devotional stones and bookmarks given by St. Mark’s to be placed in the souvenir bags at the Women's Fall Convocation; High school graduate scholarship; SponsoringAwards Day for students; Episcopal Place birthday party which St. Mark’s sponsors every year.

>In addition to her report on Bible Study, Bertha Smith gave an account on the Daughters of the King (DOK). St. Mark’s DOK maintained the Prayer Room at the 2008 Diocesan Convention. They also observed Quiet Day and had morning worship and a Prayer breakfast. There are seven DOK members at St. Mark’s .

>Joyce Ladd gave a brief history of how she became involved with Sunday School twenty years ago. Adult class meets each Sunday at 9:15 am. The class uses scripture journals from Living the Good News. In 2009 lessons may be delivered through the church web page. Youth Sunday School classes are being restructured.

>Deacon Carolyn Foster described her many duties as a Deacon. Deacons can be moved by the Bishop to serve anywhere. Fortunately, Carolyn has remained at her home church. Three families were fed at Thanksgiving through food vouchers given by St. Mark’s. The Young Lions was funded by the St. Mark’s Bible Study group for its next fiscal year. Young African American boys are placed with a positive, responsible African American male mentor . At various times the Young Lions meet with their mentor for Bible Study, activities and other concerns. The Deacons other duties have included performing Mass, Morning Prayer, sermons and making sure that pastors sign the Registry after service.**
l. to r. Stephanie Long with daughter Stareka Burroughs, mother and/or grandmother to all,Mrs. Alice Long, Lauren Long, Deacon Carolyn Foster

WANT TO KNOW which female parishioner almost went to work for the FBI? …Was bowled over by seeing women wear pants at church when she came to St. Mark’s and once visited St. Mark’s as a child only to become a member as an adult.

Jalete Nelms

You can find the answers to these questions and more on the bulletin board in the hallway with Jalete Nelms’ BEYOND THE PEWS .

Things you never hear in church..............

1. Hey! It's my turn to sit in the front pew.

2. I was so enthralled, I never noticed your sermon went 25 minutes over time.

3. Personally I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf.

4. I've decided to give our church the $500 a month I used to send to TV evangelists.

5. I volunteer to be the permanent teacher for the Junior High Sunday School class.

6. Forget the denominational minimum salary, let's pay our pastor so he/she can live like we do.

7. I love it when we sing hymns I've never heard before!

8. Since we're all here, let's start the service early

9. Pastor, we'd like to send you to this Bible seminar in the Bahamas.

10. Nothing inspires me and strengthens my commitment like our annual stewardship campaign!

11. I couldn't find space to park outside. Praise God!

Flowers on the altar
