December 28, 2008


Deacon Carolyn Foster
TODAY'S sermon was brought to us by Rev. Deacon Carolyn Foster.
Christians have always been known to be out of step with the rest of the world. They do things differently. But that’s okay. They’re supposed to be different .
In the Episcopal Church the singing of Christmas songs begins on Christmas Eve. The songs continue to be sung until Epiphany which is two weeks after Christmas. The world has forgotten Christmas, a day after it is celebrated. Retail outlets ready themselves for the next holiday. Many already have Valentine knick-knacks displayed on December 26th. Christmas comes during the last month of the year with most anticipating the coming new year. Christmas should be a way of life throughout the year. For Christians Christmas isn’t over. They continue to cling to it. It is not the end but the beginning. Everyday is a new day for Christians. Everyday is an opportunity to draw closer to God. The old has passed away and all things are new. God has always been and will always be.
John 1 looks at the beginning. It states:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.

Jesus has always been. Review John 1. Replace “Word” and “He” with “Jesus
In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. Jesus was in the beginning with God.
Challenge yourself in 2009 to be in the world but, out of the world. Meet this challenge by growing more in Christ. For the next three months feed your spirit with scripture, Prayer and Bible study. Before making any decisions, consult God. Filter everything through the mind of Christ. Move on God’s impulse.
Isaiah 61:10-62:3 First Reading
John 1:1-18 The Holy Gospel
The Offertory music was a medley rendered by Joyce Ladd. The medley began with,

Lord I Lift Your Name On High Joyce Ladd

+ The flowers on the altar were given by Paul and Paige Goldman in celebration of their wedding anniversary.

+All Organizations/ Ministries should submit funding requests for the 2009 budget to Cassandra Joseph by December 27th. Send requests to her email address.

+ The church’s annual meeting will be held January 11, 2009.
* A committee report from each church organization is requested at this time
* There will be two openings on the vestry. Submit names of potential candidates in the receptacle at the back of the church.
+Most households and businesses are run by a budget. So it is with the church. By completing and submitting your blue pledge card, the vestry is able to glimpse its possibilities for the church in 2009. Please turn in your pledge card.
+The Diocesan Convention will be held in Montgomery February 19-21, 2009. Possible delegates from St. Mark’s are Heager Hill and Mark Smith after voting by the congregation is done.

Antonio Knight
Antonio Knight, son of Antonio and Nikia Knight became a big brother to sister Niayla a short while back. The Interviewer(I) asked Antonio (A) about his duties as a big brother.
I: Antonio, do you mind if I ask you a question?
A: Head bows in the affirmative
I: What’s it like being a big brother? Do you help out with your sister?
A: Thinking …Yes.
I: I have a new niece so maybe you can give me some advice.
A: Okay
I: What do you do?
A: I get the food and I put the pacifier in her mouth.
I: What kind of food does she eat?
A: She eats beans and milk. ( Seemingly puzzled and surprised to the interviewer )YOU HAVE A BABY!?
Laughter all around
I: No. I’m too old for that. (No wonder he was surprised)
I: What about taking a bath?
A: Well, you have to have some soap and put it on her.
I: I see. And you wash her in water?
A: Yes. And don’t forget to dry her off.

Antonio's Extended Family r. Cecily Washington, C.J. Washington, Nikia Washington,
Nikara W.Knight (holding baby Niayla) Cecil Washington (holding Antonio)
and Olivia Washington


Arthur Green, former member of St. Mark's now
lives in Florida.

Visiting from South Carolina, Alameta Anderson *
poses with her mother Mable Anderson.
*I failed to get her married name

Julius Howard spent much of his
youth at St. Mark's

D. J. and his Dad, Harold Washington visit from
Huntsville, Alabama