December 21, 2008


The Voices of Praise
Caroling before the service by The Voices of Praise prepared us for worship on this Fourth Sunday after Advent. Songs of the season included: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Born in Bethlehem, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing and Christmas Time. ***

Rev. William Blackerby
sermon How Can This Be?
After becoming a Chaplain some years ago, Rev. William Blackerby desired to extend his ministry further by engaging in conversation with students outside of the campus environment. When put to the students as to whether they would enjoy pizza and conversation, their immediate response was, “Yes.” After a long pause one student asked, “What kind of conversation?” She desired to know more. As time went on Rev. Blackerby and this student became good friends engaging in many invigorating conversations for many years. In this same way when the angel Gabriel tells Mary she will bear a son, she asks, “How can this be?”
How can this be that God chooses to come to us in human form as a vulnerable baby? God chooses to dwell with us. God challenges us in our assumptions as to who God is. God in Jesus challenges the status quo. Our relationship with God grows and deepens because of the questions we ask. What does this mean for us? God desires to be in our midst and to make us vessels of his love through our ever growing relationship with him.
Today’s sermon was delivered by Rev. William Blackerby, Chaplain of Birmingham Trinity Commons Episcopal Student Center. The Center is home of the Birmingham Episcopal Campus Ministries, serving Birmingham-Southern College, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Samford University .


First Reading 2 Samuel 7-1-11,16
Psalm 89: 1-4,19-26
Second Reading Romans 16:25-27
The Holy Gospel Luke1:26-38***

+ We will celebrate our Christmas Eve Service at 6:00pm this Wednesday with the Rev. Jayne Poole as our celebrant. Join in the true spirit of Christmas.

+ All Organizations/ Ministries should submit funding requests for the 2009 budget to Cassandra Joseph by December 27th. Send requests to her email address.

+ The church’s annual meeting will be held January 11, 2009.
· A committee report from each church organization is requested at this time
· There will be two openings on the vestry. Submit names of potential candidates in the receptacle at the back of the church.

+Most households and businesses are run by a budget. So it is with the church. By completing and submitting your blue pledge card, the vestry is able to glimpse its possibilities for the church in 2009. Turn in your pledge card soon.

+Heager Hill has accepted an invitation by The Rt. Rev. John McKee Sloan to become part of a core group focused on discovering a message and a method of communicating the Gospel outside the walls of the Episcopal Church. This group of only eight will initially meet to talk about their experience of, expectations of, and hopes for the diocese. Additionally, the names of others who could be vital in this work will be suggested. The group will meet on an “as needed” basis and will dissolve at the end of the project.

+ The Diocesan Convention will be held in Montgomery February 19-21, 2009. Possible delegates from St. Mark’s are Heager Hill and Mark Smith after voting by the congregation is done.

EPISCOPAL PLACE BIRTHDAY PARTY St. Mark's ECW , Episcopal Place Staff ,and volunteers
December 10th at 4:00 was the date the St. Mark’s ECW sponsored the December birthday party for Episcopal Place residents born in that month. After a blessing from the Episcopal Place Chaplain, Honorees along with other residents of the building were served a delicious dinner of golden fried drummettes with optional ranch dressing, creamy potato salad, chilled fresh seedless grapes, squares of cheddar cheese, rolls and a tangy fruit punch. After everyone sang Happy Birthday a Christmas cake made completely of cupcakes was served to guests. A brief homily by retired Rector, Edward J. Wilson added meaning to the celebration of birthdays. Not only did each person celebrating a birthday receive a gift but also each of the guests. Residents socialized with each other as music played in the background. Eager to assist the ECW was the Episcopal Place Activity Director along with her daughters and Ethan Duckery of St. Mark’s. The children assisted with distributing the food. According to the Activity Director, St, Mark’s is ranks high with the residents of Episcopal Place. No wonder. With a party this grand who could ask for more?
Christmas Party

The annual St. Mark's Christmas Party was held immediately after the 10:00 service. The Fellowship Hall was decorated with festive seasonal arrangements. There was a sing along by adults and youth conducted by musician, Sundra Smith. All youth received a gift from Ms. Bertha Claus. Delicious food was enjoyed by everyone.
One lady posing
Two tables waiting
Three ladies toilingFour people playing
Five music makers

Ocie Milner & Jalete Nelms


Marietta, Claudette, Ellarene, a Nelms girl

Jackie Nixon
