December 7, 2008

Lessons and Carols

In keeping with Advent, today we celebrate the Eucharist along with a service of Lessons and Carols.

Processional Hymn
Come Emmanuel
Mr. Michael Milner, Cantor

Lesson I Genesis 2:4-9, 15-25
God creates man and woman to live in obedience to Him in the Garden of Eden
Hymn #68 Rejoice, Rejoice Believers
Ms. Nikara Washington

Lesson II Genesis 3:1-22
Ms. Bertha Smith
Adam and Eve rebel against God and are cast out of the Garden of Eden
Ode to Joy...performed by

l. to r. Samantha Nelms, Joy Korley, Aaron Joseph

Lesson III Jeremiah 31:31-34
A new covenant is promised which will be written on our hearts
Prepare the Way, O Zion… Diondra Franklin, violinist

Mr. Sam Nelms

Lesson IV Isaiah 7: 10-15
God promises a child shall be conceived known as “God is with us.”
Hymn # 66 Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Ms. Ellarine Stroud

Lesson V Micah 5: 2-4
The one who is to rule Israel will be born in the village of Bethlehem
Mr. Titus Battle
Child of Joy and Peace
Diondra Franklin, violinist Ms. Diondra Franklin

Lesson VI Luke 1: 26-56 Deacon Carolyn Foster
The Angel Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary that she will bear a Son of the Most High
Mary Said Yes
Dea. Carolyn Foster

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
This unexpected testimony was given by Joe Korley. Joe is a former employee of retired government official, Heager Hill. Joe expressed after Sunday's service his thankfulness for having been introduced to Heager and subsequently being hired by him in his current field of work. He expounded on the kindness and understanding of Heager as an employer and as a friend. He credits Heager for the many opportunities afforded him since his move here from Kenya. Joe's accolades to Heager were endless with him verbally bestowing the title of "saint" on the appreciation and gratitude he has experienced from such a great man.

Talking with Heager later it was discovered that he too valued his strong friendship with Joe. He described him as, "extremely smart, polite and professional. Additionally, he is a Professor of Mathematics and volunteers his services. He was a delight to work with."
This is a living testimony of the great works we can do when we live for God and show his love in our everyday lives

Joe Korley and Heager Hill

l. to r. Ms.Debra Franklin with daughter Diondra Franklin ,and violin teacher Ms.Anita Dye
So moved by the testimony of Joe Korley, Ms. Debra Franklin expressed her inspiration from the Sunday service. Ms. Dye also expressed appreciation for having her student featured and extended an invitation to call on her if she can ever be of assistance in the future.

Saint Mark's was further blessed by Faustina Korley, wife of Joe Korley who recently became a published author.
Faustina Korley
Faustina Korley is the author of , “Ordinary Mr. Yalley, Extraordinary Gift From Above”. This is Faustina’s first published work. Though a work of fiction the novel paints a picture of how God uses ordinary people to do his work on Earth. We are delighted to have Faustina visit with us today along with her family. Once you meet her I'm sure many will be interested in reading her book. A possible book signing at St. Mark’s in the near future will give you a more intimate look into this Christian author’s perception

xAs a courtesy to fellow worshippers please silence your cell phone. If you must take a call, please do so AFTER entering one of the meeting rooms. Your voice is intensified in the vestibule and hallway making these areas UNSUITABLE for conversation during service.

*The ECW will sponsor the December birthday party at Episcopal Place. Those who have consented to assist with the party should meet at Episcopal Place at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 10th
*The sign up sheet for poinsettias is on the bulletin board in the hallway. The price is $10 each.

*Prior to the 10:00 service The Voices of Praise will be caroling in the vestibule just outside of the sanctuary.

*The annual St. Mark’s Christmas party will be held at the church on Sunday December 21, 2008, immediately following the regular service. This year we are planning an old-fashioned family gathering with:
chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Yuletide caroling
Santa Claus
presents for the tiny tots and
loads of delicious food
This will be a party reflective of days gone by. Let’s all make Christmas mean something special this year. Mark your calendars and plan to join the fun of sharing in this most awesome Christmas celebration.

See the sign up list on the bulletin board or contact Bertha Smith via e-mail , just in case you have not added your name to bring something to this festive occasion. If there is anything that you would like to bring that is not listed , contact Bertha and she will be glad to add it for you. Thank you so much and have a wonderful holiday season. Bertha Smith

*Anyone who wants to help provide a Christmas meal for a family in need should email me by Tuesday. The cost is $30 and the family gets a food box with all the fixings for a family of four. St. Mark’s members were able to help 14 families at Thanksgiving. Let’s try to surpass that number for Christmas. Deacon Carolyn Foster

*Mamie Hymes is resting well at a relative's home after having a medical procedure done. Her recuperation requires much rest. Therefore, it is her desire not to have visitors, flowers, fruit, etc. She does ask that St. Mark’s keep her in thoughts and prayers as she recovers.


Celebrating wedding anniversaries are:

Michael & Ocie Milner
Jalete & Sam Nelms
Paul & Paige Goldman

l. to r. Mike & Ocie Milner, Olivia Washington,
Sam & Jalete Nelms, Mark Bryant, Paul Goldman

Celebrating birthdays are:
Olivia Washington
Mark Bryant

Though they've visited with us before we are
happy to have l. Faye and r. Phyllis with us
today.( I didn't get their last names)

Always a pleasure to have
Nettie Hill (r.) ,the lovely wife of Heager Hill (l.)
worship with us

Abbreviated Scripture?
