November 30, 2008

All Things Rest In God's Hands *

Today we celebrate the Eucharist service and the beginning of the Advent season with Rev. Charles A. Taylor.

Similar to the early church Christians experience much trepidation regarding the future. The opening of the Christian era began with the Resurrection. Hopes were high and the expectations of Jesus’ return seemed eminent. As time went on and a series of disappointments arose the faith of these early Christians began to ebb. Many were living on the edge of despair. Christ had not returned and his followers began to question their faith and future. In spite of it all the early church hung on.

As in today’s world, war, economy and other societal ills cause us to question God’s promise to his church. Many falter wondering what the future holds. They ask when will these trials end. Life can be erratic. Yet, God has made us promises and he is true to them. Among God’s promises are joy, peace and love. He also promises to test us through trials. Revelations tells us, “Those whom God loves, he tests.” The early church rode unpredictable waters and so do we. The troubles of this world vex us but, the end of all things rests in God’s hands.

First Reading Isaiah 64:1—9
Psalm 80:1-7,16-18
Second Reading 1 Corinthians 1:3-9
The Holy Gospel Mark 13: 24-37

+The Lessons and Carols service is next Sunday, December 7th at 10:00a.m. It is symbolic of the “loving purposes of God as seen through the windows and words of the Bible”. Invite your family and friends.
+ The Sr. Warden further explained the differences between an Interim Rector and a Priest –in-Charge. An interim rector serves a congregation until it has found a possible permanent replacement. A Priest-in-Charge has the possibility of becoming the permanent rector. He/She may implement programs and officiate in many areas that a permanent priest would. This provisional time allows the parish to recoup and refresh.
+ Deacon Carolyn attended the Day of Repentance and Reconciliation in Philadelphia, PA this summer. The documentary Traces of the Trade , which you viewed during the chili cookoff contributed to this gathering where the Episcopal Church apologized for its role in slavery.

???????MYSTERY LADY??????????
Can you identify this lovely lady? Find the answer at the end
of this post.

VISITORS and THOSE VISITING HOME click pictures for names

our own organist, Sundra Smith

* Because of the fixed template at www.blogspot. all posts, past and present will reflect the Advent colors. The blogmistress finds it too perplexing to alter the site to her liking.