November 2, 2008

God Is A Knitter

Rev. Sara Wingo
Psalm 139:13-14
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
The Holy Eucharist was celebrated with The Rev. Sara Scott Wingo. Recalling her grandmother’s fine skill in knitting, Rev. Wingo compared our bond with God in the same manner. We are knit by God in joy and peace. ***************
Joshua 3:7-17
SECOND READING I Thessalonians 2:9-13
THE HOLY GOSPEL Matthew 23:1-12

St. Mark's Choir
+ After a lengthy illness, long time parishioner, Mary Jo Sutton was buried this past Friday. Click the thumbnails below to view the program.

+Gwen Flood would like to thank all for their prayers and calls of comfort after the death of her uncle who passed away last week.
+ Giving flowers for the altar is a wonderful way to honor, remember and celebrate special people and events in our lives. Please consider placing flowers on the altar for one Sunday this year. The sign up calendar is located on the bulletin board outside the Fellowship Hall.
+ There will be a chili cook off on November 16th after church. During this time diners will view the documentary, Traces of the Trade. There will prizes for all entries and special prizes for first, second and third place. Bertha Smith is donating all prizes and she says they are “worthwhile.”
+You are reminded to give generously to UTO. It is one of the ways of saying thank you for all that God has done.
+ Deacon Carolyn is participating in a special effort in her community and asks for your help. If you have empty, plastic, gallon sized, water, tea or milk jugs to spare, please bring them to church next Sunday. She needs 48 but 28 will make her happy. Check with her for more details.
+ November birthdays include Aisha Nicole Stroud,
Mary Williams and Joyce Ladd
A well enjoyed birthday cake

Happy birthday Joyce. November 28th
Olivia Washington opens new Mary Kay location
click pictures to enlarge


Marcus Smith prepares the altar rail for Communion

Samantha Nelms urges Marcus Smith to accompany
her to the children's room.

Sundra Smith conducts rehearsal for the Christmas
season with Samantha Nelms on flute and
Aaron Joseph on trombone.