October 25, 2008

God Is Love

Rev. Patrick Wingo
We were favored today with a sermon by Rev. Patrick Wingo. Rev. Wingo is Deputy for Ministry Development & Clergy Deployment.
Shrinking from love was illustrated in the story of a stray brown dog. Found by a kindly woman the dog was eager to become her loyal companion. The woman also loved the dog and gave him the name Brown Dog. Though the woman loved the dog, busyness and the conventions of life forced her to limit their relationship. She decided to give up the dog. Not wanting to have the dog put under she heard of a nun who took in stray pets and sought to find them homes . Reservations and trepidation plagued the woman but eventually she decided to leave Brown Dog with the nun. As she drove off, Brown Dog pursued her car until he no longer could.

A young boy and his mother visited the nun. While visiting the young boy and Brown Dog became instant friends. The boy wanted to take Brown Dog home but his mother explained that this was not possible since they lived in a small apartment and the manager didn’t allow dogs. Heartbroken, the boy departed with his mother as Brown Dog again chased after someone he loved.

Each person was afforded the opportunity of a companion who only wanted to love and be loved. Each person did not reciprocate because of hedges in their lives. A hedge limits vision leaving us unable to see the “whole picture.” In life we build hedges around our love. We want to protect ourselves from and hurt and fear. Afraid that we will not be accepted for who we really are, we pose limits. We reveal just a little, love just a little. Frequently we turn away from God. We fear that we are not good enough, that God will not love the real person that we are. God’s love has no limits. He only wants to love us. He offers his love continuously. God offers us love without limits. God bids, “Won’t you love me? Won’t you let me love you?”
Mamie Hymes reads the scriptures
First Reading: Deuteronomy 34:1-1
Psalm: 90:1-6, 13-17
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
The Holy Gospel: Matthew 22:34-46


Mrs. Mary Sutton
+Funeral for Mrs. Mary Sutton will be Friday, October 31, 2008 at 1:30p.m. The service will be held at Sixth Avenue Baptist Church.
Visitation will be Thursday at Bushelon Funeral Home with Family Hour taking place that evening from 6-7p.m.
Food, and other commemorations of sympathy may be taken by the home. The family opens its doors to all who wish to visit stating, “Don’t knock just come on in.”

+Services for Mrs. Catherine C. Brown Burt were held October 24, 2008. Click each page of the program below to enlarge and read

+ UTO ingathering November 6th. Envelopes are on the back table

+ Stewardship Month begins in November. The Word of God is written in the Bible and provides a foundation for teaching stewardship. The study of Scripture, basic stewardship principles and practices, are the starting point for all ages to become good stewards and teach others.

+ The sign up calendar for giving flowers is on the bulletin board in the hallway. Honor, remember and celebrate by giving flowers for the altar.

+ ECW Convocation will be held November 3rd at St. Lukes. Registration begins at 9:00a.m. with meeting following at 10:00a.m. Lunch is $6.00. They would like to have a count ahead of time so that they will know how many to prepare for. If you plan to attend call Sylvia McClain for details.


Deacon Carolyn Foster

Talking under the pines
Adrienne Lee & Mamie Hymes

Five vestry members and a Deacon

Emmanuel & Bobby

Marc Smith, Bobby, Emmanuel and Marcus
prepare for the Offertory and Eucharist


:)A Sunday School teacher began her lesson with a question, 'Boys and girls, what do we know about God?' A hand shot up in the air. 'He is an artist!' said the kindergarten boy. 'Really? How do you know?' the teacher asked. 'You know - Our Father, who does art in Heaven..

:)The minister was preoccupied with thoughts of how he was going to ask the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church building Therefore, he was annoyed to find that the regular organist was sick and a substitute had been brought in at the last minute. The substitute wanted to know what to play. 'Here's a copy of the service,' he said impatiently. 'But, you'll have to think of something to play after I make the announcement about the finances. During the service, the minister paused and said, 'Brothers and Sisters, we are in great difficulty; the roof repairs cost twice as much as we expected and we need $4,000 more. Any of you who can pledge $100 or more, please stand up.' At that moment, the substitute organist played 'The Star Spangled Banner.' And that is how the substitute became the regular organist!