August 24, 2008

Solid Rock

Deacon Carolyn Foster
A Deacon's Service was held today with Deacon Carolyn Foster officiating. Before arriving at the points in her sermon we were given historical and geographical facts about the city of Caesarea Philippi . The city was named after Herod's son Philipp. Philipp later renamed the city Caesarea Phillipi after the ruler Caesar since he and his followers considered him (Caesar) a god. The city was built upon a rock that was 100 miles by 900 miles, bordered by Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon is Israel's tallest mountain. Jesus never entered the city. With the splendor and majesty of Caesarea Phillipi in the distance, Jesus asked the disciples,"Who do people say I am?" Each disciple gives a different answer. Peter is finally the one who makes the proclamation. Peter proclaims that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus is pleased with Peter's answer acknowledging that the Father in heaven has revealed this to him. That is when he tells Peter,..."on this rock I build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it...." The rock is the foundation of the church. Peter is that rock. Peter is an instrumental factor in the building of the church. He later becomes a Bishop. Where are you in your life? Who do you say Jesus is?****


First Reading Exodus 1:8-2:10

Second Reading Romans 12:1-8

Gospel Matthew 16: 13-20***


The last First Sunday Potluck Luncheon for the summer will be held after our regular church service on Sunday, September 7th. Please stop by the bulletin board and sign-up to bring something to make this a very special luncheon. We will play a game that will allow everyone to win something so bring two (2) "no gender" gifts that cost no more than $5 in the event we have visitors. Plan to come and make this a special 'sharing' and if you have any questions, please contact Jackie Nixon via e-mail or phone. Looking to see you there.***

+The swim party was rained out last Saturday. The swim party has been rescheduled for this Saturday, August 30, 2008 same time, same place.

***** +Vestry meeting will be held this Thursday August 28, 2008 at 6:00p.m.
+Today's announcement insert contains a tear off portion at the bottom. List your favorite hymns (up to four) in the spaces. Tear off and place in the Offertory plate or on the back table after service. As the choir reconvenes in September, they will try to sing many of your favorites this fall.

+Today is the deadline for the St. Mark's T-Shirt Design Contest. The Vestry will choose the best 3 and the church body will vote on the final winner. The winner will be announced on September 7th and win a $25 gift certificate.

+Giving flowers for the altar is a wonderful way to honor, celebrate and remember special people and events in out lives. Consider placing flowers on the altar for one Sunday this year. The sign up calendar is outside the Fellowship Hall.

+Join us on Sunday mornings as we continue our study of Healthy Congregations. These lessons take place on Sunday mornings from 8:45a.m.-9:45a.m.***

Candid Shots Coffee, the bonding beverage

George Ladd sips a cup of Joe while mingling with others.

Olivia Washington enjoys a cup of java as she contemplates the remainder of her Sunday.