August 11, 2008

Happy New Year

Rev. Jayne Pool

The Holy Eucharist was celebrated with Rev. Jayne Pool. With the restarting of school Rev. Jayne wished students and teacher's a Happy New Year as they embark upon the brand new school year. Rev. Pool's sermon revolved around God's never ending forgiveness and His allowing us to start afresh so many times. As Jesus and His disciples traveled about they were judged by the Pharisees in everything they did. This included even eating a grain of wheat on the Sabbath as they traveled. The Pharisees wanted to bring Jesus and his followers into the legalistic doctrines of the Sabbath. Rev. Jayne pointed out that the Sabbath was made to benefit humanity and not the other way around. God ultimately has the claim of what is right and wrong. As in the present we often reject the vehicle of God's love because we judge what we see with human eyes. Every opportunity is one to start anew. It is an opportunity to start new life. Happy New Year and Happy New Life.
l. to.r. Kirbey Pool, Jim Pool, Jayne Pool
Genesis 45:1-15; Psalm 133: 1-5; Romans 11:1-2a,29-32; Matthew 15:(10-20),21-28
The Communion hymn , I Will Trust In the Lord was led by the church musician, Sundra Smith.
Sundra Smith, musician
The last First Sunday Potluck Luncheon for the summer will be held after our regular church service on Sunday, September 7, 2008. The sign-up list is posted on the bulletin board, please stop by and sign-up to bring something to make this a very, very special luncheon. This time, we are going to play a game that will allow everyone to win something and will be lots of fun. Plan to bring two (2) "no gender" gifts that cost no more than $5. I am asking for two gifts in the event we have visitors and this will allow them to participate also. I am very excited about September's First Sunday Potluck Luncheon, so please help to make this a wonderful one. Should you have questions, please contact Jackie Nixon. Thank you so much.
Next Sunday, (August 24, 2008) come prepared to have your picture taken for the St. Mark's Picture Directory. What a beautiful directory we will have once completed ---- putting a face with a name.
Deacon Carolyn Foster
Next Saturday from 11:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Deacon Carolyn will host a Back To School Swim Party at her home. Come and enjoy some last summer 'moments of fun and sun.'
Vestry meeting will be held this Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 6:00 p.m.
St. Mark’s T-Shirt Design Contest
Win a $25 gift certificate
Please include in your design the following:
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Birmingham
A lion
Founded 1891
Episcopal Shield
Welcomes you
The entry deadline is August 24, 2008. The vestry will choose the best 3 and the church will vote on the final winner. The final vote and announcement of winner will be September 7, 2008.
Charles Townsend Named To Housing Board

Charles Townsend

Giving flowers for the altar is a wonderful way to honor, celebrate and remember special people and events in out lives. Consider placing flowers on the altar for one Sunday this year. The sign up calendar is outside the Fellowship Hall.
Join us on Sunday mornings as we continue our study of Healthy Congregations. These lessons take place on Sunday mornings from 8:45a.m.-9:45a.m.
Check your e-mail for your own private showing of:
Candid Shots
Marcus Smith extinguishes the candles
Anthony Joseph mugs for the camera
Spotted outside a church