August 3, 2008

Charlie, the Wonder Dog

Rev. Peter Horn
Rev. Peter Horn was the guest Celebrant for the Holy Eucharist. Most often sermons are based on the scriptures of the Lectionary for the Sunday dated closest to what's listed. As a retired parish priest Rev. Horn revelled in the fact that as a retiree he no longer has to hold to this principle and can now engage in his joy of storytelling. And, what a storyteller he is. We were entertained with hilarity yet shown the contrast of God's love in his tale of Charlie, the Wonder Dog.
Given a stray cocker spaniel by their son , Rev. Peter is cool toward the animal while his wife is enamored. His wife names the dog Charlie, after her husband’s brother because of the dog’s dismal countenance. A trip to the beach with Charlie in tow is not Rev. Peter’s idea of a vacation especially since his brother Charlie will also be in attendance and will want to know why he and the dog share the same moniker. The station of Charlie the dog is improved when after popping corn in a pressure cooker Rev. Peter tosses a kernel to Charlie and he catches it. This
continues for some time and Rev. Peter is so impressed with Charlie’s eye, mouth coordination that he dubs him Charlie, the Wonder Dog. Rev. Peter though still doesn’t want a dog.
When a home improvement worker takes his nine year old son with him to the Horn’s home to inspect the foundation, the boy and the dog are immediately smitten with each other. They chase each other. They wrestle in the grass. When time comes to leave the boy cries because he doesn’t want to leave the dog. Rev. Peter felt that could this young boy change himself into a dog he would have. So in love had the boy become with Charlie the dog. In this same way God is smitten with us. But, HE DID become human in order to restore humanity after the fall of Adam and Eve. This was not something God had to do but did do out of divine love.
Scriptures Today
First Reading: Genesis 32: 22-31 Psalm: 17:1-7
Second Reading: Romans 9: 1-5 Gospel : Matthew 14: 12-21
Offertory & Communion Music
What a treat to have M.N. share his musical talents with us this morning. M.N. sang He Looked Beyond My Faults during the Offertory and "Taste and See" during the Communion. It is a wonderful expression to worship and praise through song.
During the month of June the youth were spotlighted. Their bios and accomplishments were read with each student being presented with a certificate of achievement. The sons of Regina Mumford were vacationing and so were presented their certificates belatedly. r.Christopher Shepard, Regina Mumford, Marcus Jackson, Ramone Jackson ***********************************
The Fellowship Supper held after church today was yet another opportunity for members to bond and learn more about each other. C.W.Sr. served as Master of Ceremonies. The first table game was Pass the Message. A list of messages were given to the Group Leader to whisper to the companion to the left. That person in turn did the same to the person on the left and so on. When the whole group has passed the message, the Group Leader reads the message and checks for accuracy. Here are some of the the messages that were passed.
1. Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.

2. To be fond of learning is to be near to wisdom

The second game was titled The Colors of Life. After the meal everyone was instructed to grab a handful of M&M's. Whatever amount of M&M's are in your hand will be the amount of facts you must reveal about yourself. Unbeknown to the candy grabbers there was more involved. If your M&M was;

Red- you must tell something about your home

Green- you must tell something about a hobby of yours

Yellow- something about family

Blue- school or work
Brown- tell something about yourself nobody knows

Announcements for August 3, 2oo8

*The Women of the Church will resume our monthly meetings on this Sunday, August 10, 2008 following the 10:00 service.

*Wednesday Bible Study

*Healthy Congregations

*Flowers for the altar

*Permission forms to use your identity at . Forms can be found on the table at the back of the church. Complete, sign and leave it on the table.