July 28, 2008

Morning Prayer

The Rev. Deacon Carolyn Foster was the officiant for Morning Prayer The service was taken from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) beginning on page 78.
  • First Reading , Genesis 29:15-28
  • Second Reading , Romans 8: 26-39
  • The Holy Gospel , Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23


The extraordinary musical talents of Royce and Christian Files were featured during Offertory and Communion. These gifted young artists are the grandsons of Heager and Nettie Hill. We were first favored during the Offertory with Blessed Assurance, played on trombone by Christian Files. Original music was composed by Phoebe P. Knapp during the latter nineteenth century. This hymn remains a favorite to this day. Pertinent scripture to this hymn can be found in Hebrews 10:22. We were all blessed by Christian's musical gift.Christian Files with his trombone

Older brother Royce Files displayed his talent during Communion. He commanded the saxophone by playing I Need You To Survive. This popular Gospel song is sung by Hezekiah Walker and the Love Fellowship Choir. A musical reminder that we need each other and the power of the Holy Spirit to survive .

Royce Files and his saxophone

The brilliant musicians pose with relatives; l.to r. Heager Hill, Christian Files, Sheree Files(mother), Royce Files, Nettie Hill

Deacon Carolyn Foster presented yet another thought provoking sermon with her text being taken from the Gospel of Mark. In this scripture Jesus puts before the crowd his parable regarding the mustard seed.Rev. Deacon Carolyn J. Foster


The next "St. Mark's First Sunday Potluck Luncheon" will be held on Sunday, August 3rd immediately following the church service. The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board so please sign up and bring something to help make this a wonderful occasion of fellowship for everyone. ************************

Flowers are such a beautiful adornment and last Sunday the flowers were given by Elgin & Andrea Duckery in celebration of their 20th marriage anniversary. May God's blessings continue to flow for many years to come.*********************

Last Sunday we began the study of Healthy Congregations by Peter Steinke. Allow this special effort, spearheaded by our Deacon Carolyn, to aid us in learning how to be a more 'healthy congregation'...see you next Sunday morning 8:45-9:45 a.m. *********************

Keep the Cook family in your prayers as Kathy continues to do well, at home now, from an unexpected hospital stay.******************

The Young Lions will reconvene in the near future. Positive male mentors are needed in the ongoing quest to lead and teach young Black males to make constructive decisions.*****

Deacon Carolyn will be sponsoring a back-to-school pool party . Details will follow at a later date.