Jesus is invited to eat at the home of a Pharisee. Once there a woman of ill repute approaches Jesus, bathes his feet with her tears, dries them with her hair, anoints his feet with ointment and kisses his feet.
The Pharisee thinks to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him—that she is a sinner.”
Knowing the Pharisee’s thought Jesus turns to Simon and gives a parable about a creditor with two debtors. One man’s debt was 500 denarii and the other man’s debt was 50. When they couldn’t pay, the creditor forgave both debts. Jesus asked Simon which of the men he thought would love his creditor more. Simon supposed the man with the greater debt. Jesus told Simon he was correct.
Continuing, Jesus said, “ Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has bathed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. You gave me no kiss but from the time I came in she has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment…”
Jesus further states that though this woman was a sinner she has been forgiven. He sees her heart and the true person she is. He tells her, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
In order to live in peace with mankind and with ourselves we must forgive. Forgiveness creates inner harmony. Knowing Jesus , walking in his ways, forgiving others and ourselves gives our us a personal freedom and serenity.
JUNE 20, 2010
JUNE, 27, 2010
You honor us with your presence in worship today. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you feel at home here. We invite you to participate in all of our activities Consider joining us for one of the following events.
The annual Summerfest service was held outside under the pines. The 95 degree outdoor heat did nothing to cool the warm hearts of participants.
1. Rev. Sara and Deacon Carolyn prepare for Eucharist.
2. Rev. Sara and Heager Hill distribute Communion while Titus Battle plays softly on the banjo.
***Many thanks to all who pulled together to make Summerfest a whopping success.***
Sam Nelms was the master griller who single-handedly did
for a couple of days to organize Summerfest.
Because of the summer heat ,it's been rumored that next year's Summerfest may become a Spring Fling.
June 14-16
4:00-6:00 pm . Ages 6-12.
4:00-6:00 pm . Ages 6-12.
Mark your calendars and plan to attend, either as a participant or a helper.
The PERFORMANCE FOR THE COMMUNITY- Wednesday, June 16th-5:30pm

Mr. Woodruff
The PERFORMANCE FOR THE COMMUNITY- Wednesday, June 16th-5:30pm

Mr. Woodruff
From Dr. Mable Anderson
--My friend and VCS Technical Director, Mr. Richard S. Woodruff will appear on NBC Channel 13 with Mike Royer on "The Spirit of Alabama" on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 10:00 P.M. We would appreciate a CD or DVD from any church member who might watch it.
Deacon Interviews
Heager Hill as a member of the Standing Committee interviewed 15 potential Deacons for 1 1/2 days.. After a year of training, candidates were questioned regarding their past year of training and experiences. Inquiry questions included thoughts on studying, field trip visits to homeless shelters, AA program and other assistance programs, and their commitment to the Deacon ministry.
It is the duty of the prospective Deacons to convince their Leader, Commission on Ministry, Standing Committee, and Bishops that they are committed by their training performance, attitude, adopted Christian principles, solidarity with their fellow peers, and solidarity with the Episcopal Church. Marc Smith serves on the Commission on Ministry.
It is the duty of the prospective Deacons to convince their Leader, Commission on Ministry, Standing Committee, and Bishops that they are committed by their training performance, attitude, adopted Christian principles, solidarity with their fellow peers, and solidarity with the Episcopal Church. Marc Smith serves on the Commission on Ministry.