August 16, 2009

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

Proverbs 9:1-6


St. Mark’s was pleased to have Mikel Packer as its musical guest this Sunday. Twelve year old Mikel played Praise Is What I Do on trumpet during the Offertory. He lent his talent further during the Communion with Let Us Break Bread Together. In attendance were Mikel's parents Morris and Tywanna Packer (not pictured)
+ Rev. Sara Scott-Wingo has composed a quarterly newsletter for the congregation. The St. Mark’s Messenger made its debut after this week’s 10 am service. A wonderful hard copy instrument, The St. Mark’s Messenger features present and future news and dates. This will allow the technology challenged as well as members and visitors to remain clued-in to the happenings at St. Mark’s. Pick one up today.
+ Choir Practice- The choir will resume rehearsals on Wednesday, August 26th. We invite anyone who wishes to serve God through music and song to join us weekly from
+Fall programming will include Children’s Sunday School held from 9:30-9:50a.m. In just this short span of time a child’s spiritual growth can be greatly increased.
+ECW President Nikara Washington presented to the ECW body a unique community project (5-3-09) involving young girls and their mothers. This project would explore serious coming of age issues and teaching parent and child how to make wise decisions. Mothers and guardians play a significant role in the upbringing of young girls. It is Mothers can be positive role models for their daughters .The project was well received by ECW members but funding presented a dilemma.
Deacon Carolyn Foster wrote and submitted a grant to the Episcopal Diocese regarding this project. It is a thrill to announce that the information was accepted by the Diocese and the grant has been fully funded. The project will be known as Daughter To Daughter. October is the projected month for kick off. We are extremely grateful to ECW President Nikara for her vision of need in the community and to Deacon Carolyn
for her grant writing skills allowing St. Mark’s ECW to pursue this meaningful venture.
+St. Mark’s Men and Boys- Anthony Joseph has volunteered to plan some fun activities this year for the men and boys of our parish. Rev. Scott-Wingo is asking all the men and boys of the parish to support this ministry with their participation. Feel free to contact Anthony if you want to help with the planning.

+ There will be a pool party at the home of Deacon Carolyn on August 22nd from 11a.m.-2pm. Each person is asked to bring a pot luck item. Contact Deacon Carolyn or sign up on the sheet out in the hall.
+As the church revamps for the fall season you are asked to sign up for one of the following areas Usher, Reader, Acolyte (age 12-up). You will not be required to commit indefinitely. Volunteers may choose the dates they wish to serve. If you have never performed your selected undertaking place a star by your name so that you may be trained. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board.
(lt.) Bertha Smith poses with guest trumpeteer, Mikel Packer(ctr.) and church musician Sundra Smith (rt.)
No blog during the month of September. Will return in October