May 17, 2009

Bear Fruit

GOD wants us to go forth into the world with the love he has given us to bear fruit. The fruit Jesus wants us to bear is fruit that will last. It is eternal. When Jesus tells us to bear fruit that will last he is telling us to take our love out into the world. That way more love will be produced. The fruit of love is different from ordinary fruit. This fruit can change the world. Human beings can’t understand love unless they are loved. The only way to do this is to love others. Jesus came into the world to love us. He came to show us what God’s love looks like in the only way we can understand…through another person.

Apostolic succession in the church refers to all who are confirmed and made deacons, priests, or bishops have had hands laid on them by someone else who has had hands laid on them all the way back to the Disciples. The chain of apostolic succession represents the way that every generation of Christians has learned what it means to be loved by the generation before them. The Disciples learned first hand from Jesus what it means to be loved by God.

Acts 10:44-48

Psalm 98
Lana Grinberg and her son Nicholas Terehoff were baptized today. Click pictures to enlarge and for captions

The Young Lion's Report
by Titus Battle
We were privileged to have as our guest the honorable and respectable Anthony Joseph. His sharing was profound. Even though we were small in number, his inspirational story of life inspired us all. The thriving point that was made is that Anthony like all others had opportunities to be influenced in other directions. Anthony chose to live his life based upon the guidance of his Grandma. We asked the children to find that person in their lives that would direct their life to success. For our session, Bro. Anthony was dubbed our "Living African American Hero".

Bro. Anthony has been my inspiration for over 20 years. He has served as my spiritual big brother and has done a remarkable job setting the example. I am hoping that his talk and presence will have that affect on the children we serve. The Young Lions extend our thanks and gratitude to Bro. Anthony and bid him a remarkable journey through life and we bless all that he does. We will do our best to influence our boys to become strong, responsible upstanding men. Bro. Anthony is a remarkable man with a beautiful soul.

Mike Milner, David Cook, Joseph Samuels, Jerome ? and I were the other mentors present along with our wonderful director Rev. Deacon Carolyn Foster.. Peace be with You. Amen.
+Below are the final Sunday School lessons before we break for the summer. Since most of you will be out of town for the next few weeks, I feel it would be best if we cancel these sessions, and pick up again in the Fall. Please let me know if you have any concerns about this. I have enjoyed this year of study and thank God for you! Have a blessed and wonderful summer, Joyce
Click here: Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B, RCL (May 17)

Click here: Seventh Sunday of Easter, RCL (May 24)

Click here: Day of Pentecost, RCL (May 31)

Click here: Trinity Sunday, RCL (June 7)

+Vacation Bible School-Bible Challenge/Broadcasting the Stories of Moses June 8th,9th, and 10th, 4:00-6:00p.m.-Ages 3-13 (Younger children may come accompanied by an adult and we want our youth to participate by helping us to run the program). Expect this to be a fun filled celebration of three Moses stories: The Crossing of the Red Sea, Bread from Heaven, and Receiving the Ten Commandments . On the last day we will make a presentation of what has been learned broadcast news style. What we need- bring your children and their friends, volunteer to help, and let us know who’s coming. Contact :Jalete Nelms

+Children and Youth Answer Your E-Mail- An e-mail has gone out either to you or your parents that we hope you will answer. We want to plan some activities for all age groups this summer that will provide us a way to have fun and fellowship together. We want your suggestions. Please make sure your parents show you the e-mail and then tell us what you want!
+On June 14th we will honor our high school graduates. Our college students as well as those already in the work force will have an opportunity to offer encouragement and advice to those who will enter an institute of higher learning or life’s work force. Be here to help honor them.

+Camp McDowell- will be having sessions for children all summer. Children will be greatly enriched having the opportunity to become more deeply rooted in the fellowship and traditions of the Episcopal Church. Scholarships are available. If your child is hesitant because they don’t know anyone, they can get a friend to come with them. Children from all denominations are welcomed and the camp is always happy to place friends in a cabin together. Applications are in the rector’s office and a schedule is on the bulletin board. Rev. Sara-Scott Wingo

+Summer Music- The summer is rapidly approaching and the choir will take a well deserved break for about two weeks. How special is their sharing of gifts of music and song. We are now looking for you to share your musical talents, either singing and /or playing an instrument, solo, duet, or trio, with St. Mark’s during the summer months. Contact Sundra Smith
+St. Mark's Bible Study is held every TUESDAY at 12 noon at the church

+Marc Smith has been elected to the General Convention for a fourth time. The General Convention is held for ten days with workdays lasting from early morning until late evening. Prepreparation is also necessary before attending. Let us pray for Marc has he begins this awesome task with the General Convention.

+Hunger is an issue that is very important to me and I have decided to get involved, along with the young men in the Young Lions Program and their mentors! We are walking in the CROP Hunger Walk and we need your help. Our donations will support life-saving programs around the world. Join us as we work together to solve this world-wide challenge. Locally, a portion of the money raised will go to Greater Birmingham Ministries Food Pantry. You can be the difference, and you can start by making a donation. Visit my personal page, where you can make a secure online credit card donation.Thank you!Deacon Carolyn Foster Click here to visit my personal page

+Rev. Scott-Wingo will be out of town next Sunday. Rev. Charles Taylor will preach.

Friends of Titus Battle, Lana Grinberg and her son Nicholas Tereoff desired to be baptized.
After speaking with Rev. Scott-Wingo the baptism took place after the regular service. Lana and her son will be moving out west where she will be enrolled in medical school. She plans a practice in Family Medicine.