April 26, 2009


Rev. Sara began her sermon by relating to us the injustices that can be heaped on the youngest child in a family by older siblings. As the youngest of three she has first hand knowledge of the wrongs that can ensue. Dinner one night consisted of asparagus. Knowing that she disliked asparagus her siblings lessened their portions by placing them on their younger sister’s plate while their mother wasn’t looking. Protests about this offense to her mother fell on deaf ears. The more she was ignored the louder she protested until at last she was dismissed from the table. Sulking from her ire she let them know that she didn’t want to eat with them anyway. As with any family there will be good times and bad times . Enemies can exist in families. It is up to us to decide if we will grant our enemies forgiveness of the wrongs we feel we have been subjected to or allow anger and hurt to fester.

The Bible tells us of three meals Christ had with his Disciples. They are The Sermon on the Mount, The Last Supper and the meal he had with them after His Resurrection. Knowing that he will be betrayed Jesus still eats with the Disciples in The Last Supper. The Disciples fear that they are seeing a ghost when Jesus appears to them after his Resurrection. After all that he has been through he must still prove himself to them by showing them his hands and feet and by eating broiled fish to show he is flesh and bones. He reminds them at : Luke 24:46b-48 “… Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, 47and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. 48You are witnesses of these things.”

Enjoying a meal with family and friends is not just a meal but a sacrament. The Book of Common Prayer speaks of sacrament as "an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible Grace." But, what is grace? Grace is defined as “unmerited favor”from God. There are times we must feast with those we would prefer not to give this favor to. Proclaiming the name of Jesus along with grace and forgiveness, is a part of the feast at the Christian table where all are welcomed.

+St. Mark's Bible Study is held every TUESDAY at 12 noon at the church.
+The Rt. Rev. Henry N. Parsley will make his annual visit to St. Mark’s on Wednesday night April 29th at 6:00 p.m. Plan to attend and bring a guest. A dessert reception will be held after the Bishop’s address.

+Join me for our FIRST SPRING 2009 ECW Meeting! Contact me with the name of your 2009 High School graduate, no later than Saturday, May 2, 2009.
In the next couple of days, I plan to send you all a copy of the minutes from our last meeting via e-mail for your review, -so that you can BE READY to think OUTSIDE the box! I'm not afraid of "positive challenges" & because I am surrounded by strong Women of Christ, I know that you aren't either....So feel free to bring your new ideas, strategies for old ideas, & willing spirits to the meeting on 05/03/09. Please feel free to email or call with any questions, concerns, or items you wish to be added to the agenda for our next (05/03/09) meeting. See you Sunday!
+ UTO ingathering takes place the second Sunday in May. United Thank Offering provides grants for many worthwhile projects .UTO chair, Mamie Hymes asks that you give until it makes you happy.
+60th Annual Women's Weekend May 15 - 17, 2009 at Camp McDowell
Deadline for registration and payment: May 1, 2009 +Dear St. Mark’s Family: Hunger is an issue that is very important to me and I have decided to get involved, along with the young men in the Young Lions Program and their mentors! We are walking in the CROP Hunger Walk and we need your help. Our donations will support life-saving programs around the world. Join us as we work together to solve this world-wide challenge. Locally, a portion of the money raised will go to Greater Birmingham Ministries Food Pantry. You can be the difference, and you can start by making a donation. Visit my personal page, where you can make a secure online credit card donation.
Thank you!
+Camp McDowell Chapel to be Dedicated May 2 You are invited to join your diocesan family
Saturday, May 2nd at 11:00a.m. to celebrate the completion of the Chapel of St. Francis of Assisi at Camp McDowell. The dedication service will be followed by a barbecue lunch, live music and fellowship.
+Books are needed for Sawyerville Camps! New, or gently used appropriate for ages 4-14. If you are buying new books remember to buy titles and/ or African American authors. Any of the Coretta Scott King Award books are good. Some popular titles are “Bud, Not Buddy” and “The Watson's Go to Birmingham.” Suggestions for other titles can be found here
NOTE: The Tuesday Bible Study class has chosen the Sawyerville book drive as it's outreach mission this year. Bertha Smith will be ordering the books from Amazon.com. If you wish to be a part of this outreach contact Bertha.
If you are going through your own bookcases, be sure the books are “just like new.” If you have books to donate or want to have a book drive, contact Memily Colvin. memily.colvin@gmail.com

St. Mark's welcomes Abram Dixon to today's service.
Mr. Dixon hails from North Carolina. He has been in Birmingham for the past three years after a job relocation. When asked what brought him to St. Mark's, Mr. Dixon recalled visiting an Episcopal church as a child. He also says that he is searching for a church home . He described his religious service preferences as serene. Welcome and please come back.
Liz Ensey conducts Spring Meeting
The Birmingham Convocation Spring Meeting was held April 22, 2009 at St. Andrew’s Episcopal church in Montevallo, Alabama . Morning prayer was led by Rev. James Tuohy.
ECW meeting was called to order by President, Liz Ensey.
Jeanne Fredericks of the nominating committee presented the slate of officers for the 2009-2011 term.
Coordinator and President-elect; Alyce Daniel

Vice President-elect; Diane Weatherford
Treasurer; Linda Kennedy
It was suggested by President Liz Ensey that the President elect appoint someone as secretary or have a Treasurer/Secretary position.
Dee Buzby gave more details on the upcoming Women’s Weekend to be held May 15-17, 2009 at Camp McDowell. Activities will include memory quilts, Taize, line dancing and much more.
Fall Conference will be held October 8-9, 2009 at St. Matthews in Madison, Alabama. Katrina Whitley will be the speaker. She will be speaking on the theme for the conference, St. Anne. Katrina is also known as a great storyteller.
The ECW Acts II has collected over half of the amount ECW pledged .
Stoles and vestments are needed for the new chapel at Camp McDowell. The dedication will take place May 2, 2009. Everyone is invited to attend. There will be a picnic barbeque lunch, music and fellowship after the dedication.
Gethryn Giles informed us that the 2010 ECW calendar will feature various ECW parishes by month. She would like for the various ECWs to submit how and where money is disbursed on various missions and ministries. She is not interested in how the funds were raised. ECW calendars can serve as a viable workbook for all ECW functions. Calendars may be bought or downloaded from the ECW site.
A reminder that UTO is collected twice a year, spring May 15th and fall November 15th.
The first Sunday in May is designated as CPC Sunday.
Aleene Cater announced that scholarship money is down due to economic downfall. She asks that when making memorials include the scholarship fund.
During the sharing session members relayed to other what their ECW organizations were doing.

ECW Spring Convocation attendees
St. Stephens- Annual wine and cheese, Annual Tea.
Grace- Christmas bazaar , There will be a High Tea held for Fr. Branscomb who was instrumental in starting the Community Kitchen program at Grace. The hall where the clients are served will be renamed Branscomb Commons.
Grace receives most of the funds to operate the kitchen from sales at 55th Place, a resale store about two blocks from the church. Inventory is derived by donations from parishioners and others.
St. Michael’s- Holiday Bazaar, birthday for Episcopal Place residents, Since all of the women aren’t Episcopalian at St. Martin’s In the Pines.
ECW stands for “Every Christian Woman.” The women are pleased with any program presented to them . You can even read a story.
All Saint’s-Casserole sale, Lovelady Center as a mission. Lovelady Center provides temporary sanctuary to women and their children who have been released from prison and are going back into society. Recently the founder has been harboring abused women. Training and spiritual growth along with other necessities are provided to assist residents in becoming useful members in society.
St. John’s for the Deaf- Preparing for the 75th anniversary for the church. There will also be a history of the church book to be published.
Ascension- Episcopal Place birthday party in February, Confirmation, fashion show/luncheon, garage sale with funds going to Haiti, Shower for Camp McDowell which included play equipment and the like.
Advent- Lenten lunches
St. Mark’s- Laying groundwork for Mother/ Daughter seminars on spiritual guidance ,self respect , intimate health, role models, cliques
Alms collected were donated to the scholarship fund.
The meeting was closed with prayer by President Liz Ensey. Members disbursed to the Fellowship Hall for lunch and an address by Rev. Touhy on the history of St. Andrews.

St. Andrew's Montevallo hosts ECW Spring Convocation Lunch

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