January 4, 2009

Good Enough

The Holy Eucharist was celebrated with Rev. Charles A. Taylor. Rev. Taylor opened his sermon with a true story.
Albert* managed a small parish. Arthur Carl Williams* presided over a large parish. The two met at a conference, struck up a friendship and began to correspond. Arthur Carl wrote to Albert about an Assistantship position at his church in San Francisco. Albert was overjoyed and anxiously awaited the results of his recommendation to this position. After an extended time Albert was notified by Arthur Carl that the position was no longer available. Disappointment would be an understatement to the hurt Albert felt.
As time went on each man elevated his position in the church. With each step Albert would muse, “Now Arthur Carl will see that I’m good enough.”
When Albert reached the pinnacle of his career in a position superceding Arthur Carl’s he continued to ruminate, “Now he will see that I am just as good as he is.”
Though he’d had many successes Albert allowed Arthur Carl to emotionally control his life. Albert was always afraid of being hurt. He had an addictive need to defend and justify himself.
That war goes on in all of us. God loves us whether we are good enough or not. He loves winners and losers.
Give the war up to God. Find the peace that passes all understanding and you’ll live better for it.
*Not their real names.


First Reading Jeremiah 31:7-14

Second Reading Ephesians 1:3-6,15-19a

The Holy Gospel Matthew 2:13-15,19-23


"On Eagle's Wings" was the musical interlude played by Sundra Smith during the Offertory.

+ There are three vestry openings that will need to be filled.
+ The church’s annual meeting will be held January 11, 2009.
* A committee report from each church organization is requested at this time

+ Bible Study will be held Wednesday, January 7th, at noon at the Training Center of Olivia Washington in the Flintridge Center. Consult you personal e-mail or Olivia for directions to the Center.
+ Most households and businesses are run by a budget. So it is with the church. By completing and submitting your blue pledge card, the vestry is able to glimpse its possibilities for the church in 2009. Please turn in your pledge card.
+ The Diocesan Convention will be held in Montgomery February 19-21, 2009. Possible delegates from St. Mark’s are Heager Hill and Mark Smith after voting by the congregation is done.


Happy Birthday to Andrea Duckery

Wedding Anniversary Wishes to Heager & Nettie Hill
