November 2, 2009


Today is All Saints Day. The altar is dressed in white because we are celebrating. We celebrate the lives of those before us who we feel have carried out some form of saintly duty. Say the word “saint” and right away the idea of someone who is perfect or someone who follows all the rules comes to mind. Saints are not perfect people. The Bible is proof of that. Saints don’t walk around glowing with halos hovering over their heads. Saints can be ordinary people. We should all strive to be saints. Saints are people who seek to be a follower of Jesus and bear his love into the world. They are doers of His Word.
Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 24
Revelation 21:1-6a
John 11:32-44


+Children’s Sunday School this month prepared us for November 1st which is All Saint’s Day.
Earlier in the month Mrs. Mary Williams told the children about a saint in her life which was her grandmother.
Mrs. Mamie Hymes told of a saint in her life which was Mrs.Lucille Pinkard

Rounding out the month on the study of saints was Mr. Heager Hill.
Mr. Hill told of Mr. Louis J. Willie, a former member of St, Mark’s.
Mr. Willie was a long time member of the St. Mark’s parish. He was one of the first members to worship in the church’s present location.

Mr. Willie was a servant of the church in that he served in almost every capacity of stewardship. He was on the vestry many times serving as Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, Treasurer, Clerk, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lay Reader, Homily Leader, Usher, Sunday School Teacher, member of the Choir and Custodian. Wherever he was needed he was willing to serve.

Mr. Willie was the first member of St. Mark’s to serve on boards at the Diocesan level. Among these boards being St. Martin’s in the Pines Sr. Center and as a convention full delegate.

At one time St. Mark’s was a mission. It was assisted through donations from the Diocese. Mr. Willie led a drive to increase membership and to encourage parishioners to give by tithing. BY doing so St. Mark’s gained financial independence allowing it to handle its own expenses and bills. St. Mark’s was no longer a mission but a regular parish. This was a feat that all were proud of.
Though Mr. Willie is no longer of the earthly realm he leaves behind a valuable legacy as one of the early saints of St. Mark’s.

+As we prepare for the onset of Daughter2Daughter Outreach Program, if you’re interested or have any questions, please speak to Deacon Carolyn Foster.
Daughter2Daughter kicks off this Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 9:00 a.m.
For more info visit

+The graveside service for Herman Sutton, husband of the late Mary Sutton and grandfather to Bianca and Parinda Sutton will be held at 1: 00 PM on Wednesday, November 4th at Elmwood Cemetery. The family hour will be at 6 pm on Tuesday at Bushelon Funeral Home.

+ Preceded by a sermon on saints, the covered dish luncheon held after morning worship took on special meaning. November 1st was All Saints Day. We all possess various talents which we offer to the Glory of God. Friends and family add meaning to these special occasions we share as was evident at Sunday’s luncheon.

+Pledge cards are due next Sunday, November 8, 2009. These pledges are vital to the vestry so that they may plan a budget for the upcoming year.

+UTO ingathering will take place November 15, 2009.


Mary Williams
Aisha Nicole Stroud
Doug (grandson of Heager Hill)
