June 14, 2009

"...like a mustard seed when sown upon the ground..."

Graduates were addressed by Rev. Scott by using a comparison of technology today and technology of yesterday. If a call was made to a friend and no one answered there was no voice mail. A person would need to wait a while and call back later. If the line was busy there was no call waiting. None of the features available in 2009 were available years back. With the features available now if you miss someone at home you have the option of calling them on their cell phone or texting them. Instant connection.

Many young people find it hard to believe that 30 years back most homes with a TV had a choice of only three stations. In today’s world, cable stations are endless numbering into the hundreds. Choice of programming is a simple remote click away. Instant gratification.
To have a handheld transistor radio was considered high tech during the 1960’s. Unfortunately listeners were forced to listen to whatever music the radio personality chose to play. Enter the IPOD. Download and store whatever music you want to hear. Play your chosen music whenever you want to. Instant music.

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground, and would sleep and rise night and day, and the seed would sprout and grow, he does not know how,...” In Biblical times seed was scattered onto the ground with the hopes that it would produce an abundant crop. But, this doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time with nurturing. Seed, dirt, water and sunshine work in an awesome way to produce plants. Try as they may scientists are unable to unlock the mystery of how this all comes together.
Graduation is not an ending but a beginning. Take time to realize your potential. Examine the joy, wonder and possibilities available to you. “…like a mustard seed, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all seeds on the earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of shrubs, and puts forth large branches,…”
As a recent college graduate, Cicely Washington was on hand to extend valuable tips to Elgin Duckery who will begin his freshman year in college this fall. Among those tips were:
Cicely Washington (l.)gives Elgin Duckery (r.) tips on howto navigate college.
*Keep God first
*Use your fear as motivation to try harder
*Work first. Play later
*Get involved in worthwhile organizations and causes
*Be open to new ideas. Step outside of the box
*Network with others
*Develop professional relationships with professors
*Explore and apply for Internships, co-ops, and scholarships
*Avoid false pretenses. Be yourself. Accept who you are

ECW President, Nikara Washington presented Elgin Duckery with a $250 scholarship from the St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
St. Mark's Graduates
# Elgin Duckery- Hoover High School-attending University of Alabama
# Lucas Noel- Montevallo University-BBA in Business Management
# Aisha Stroud- Auburn University-BA Anthropology
# Cicely Washington-University of Alabama at Huntsville-BA English Communications
2 Corinthians 5:6-10, (11-13), 14-17
Mark 4:26-34
Thanks to Jalete Nelms who developed and directed our Vacation Bible School program this year. Many thanks to all of the volunteers. We had several visitors and lots of fun, On the final day participants staged a broadcast news production of the story of Moses. This production was written by Jalete Nelms. All had a wonderful time with our children this past week.
Jalete Nelms

Titus Battle coordinates activities for those under four
Andrea Duckery with 5-7 year olds

Cassandra Joseph and VBS participants craft the burning bush

Dea. Carolyn Foster discusses the story of Moses with 11-12 year olds

Ari Lee & Ellarine Stroud prepare healthy snacks for VBS
Bertha Smith
+A heartfelt thank you was given by Bertha Smith to the congregation on their donations of books for the Sawyerville camp project. Over 50 new books were donated and others will be added to this number.
+ Marcellus Smith thanked everyone for their participation and donations toward making Summerfest a success. Children enjoyed the moonwalk and the men pitched in to set up outside. A delicious thank you to Sam Nelms and Cecil Washington who were the chief grillers.

+ Bible Study -TUESDAY noon. We are studying the Gospel of Luke and we welcome all to join us. Come and bring a friend.

+Summer Music- The summer is here. The choir is taking a well deserved break for about 12 weeks. How special is their sharing of gifts of music and song. We are now looking for you to share your musical talents, either singing and /or playing an instrument, solo, duet, or trio, with St. Mark’s during the summer months. Contact Sundra Smith to reserve your date.

+Prayer Requests- If you would like the congregation to pray for a specific request for you or your family, please place your prayer request in the box on the back table in the sanctuary. If you would like prayer but not have the details published in the bulletin, then make a note that your prayer request is “unspoken.”
