February 7, 2009

Rely on God

Sermon Highlights
Most often in youth the unpleasantness of the world is not something given much attention. Most thoughts are on fun and self. We think we are in control of it all, that nothing terrible will ever happen. We don’t need anyone’s help. A tragedy can cause one to reexamine this way of thinking . Looking beyond oneself is a faith journey. Not knowing the outcome takes faith. We should note the following points:
*Abundant life is a gift from God.
*Open ourselves to God and wait. Wait on the Lord and have our strength renewed.
*The search for answers can always be found in God.
*Rely on the Lord day to day, moment to moment.
*The healing love of God is needed in this broken world.
+There will be a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, February 24th at 6:00 pm. Please attend as part of the Lenten season.
+Ash Wednesday service will be held at noon and 6pm on February 25th
+There will be two family and fellowship suppers. Dates and times will be announced.
+If you have ideas for Christian Education for the youth please attend a meeting to be held after 10:00 am service on February 22nd.
+ The ECW will meet immediately after the 10:00 service on February 15th. Hope to see you all! Nikara Washington , President
Rev. Brandt Montgomery

There is a thank you card from Rev. Brandt Montgomery and J2A thanking St. Mark's for welcoming them during their visit at last Sunday's service. See the bulletin board for details.
+ Be reminded that Bishop Parsley’s annual visit to St. Mark’s will be March. 1, 2009. Anyone wanting to be baptized or confirmed should contact either Rev. Scott or Deacon Carolyn for further instructions and to prepare for the ceremony.
+ The Diocesan Convention will be held in Montgomery, Alabama on February 19-21, 2009. Mark Smith and Heager Hill are St. Mark’s delegates.
l.tor. Kelvin and Rena Ramsey, sons Richard and K. Gerard Ramsey
St. Mark's was pleased to have the Ramsey family visit. Kelvin and Rena Ramsey lent their voices in the choir singing many familiar hymns.The Ramseys are friends of Marietta Cameron-Sowell who is also a member of the choir.

Businessman Daryl Forte revisited St. Mark's. Mr. Forte at one time was also associated with The Young Lions mentoring program at St. Mark's
Mother Pollard was one of the participants in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Martin Luther King Jr. recounted in his writings that after several weeks of walking to her destinations rather than take the bus, Mother Pollard was asked if she was tired, to which she replied, "My feets is weary, but my soul is rested." Read more about the Montgomery Bus Boycott here
