January 25, 2009

Disciples of Good News

St. Mark’s is pleased to welcome Rev. Sarah Scott-Wingo as Priest-in-Charge. Rev. Scott (She prefers to use her unmarried name) comes from St. Luke’s where she was one of its associate ministers. Rev. Scott revealed that she too looks forward to her time at St. Mark’s. Colleagues described St. Mark’s to her as a welcoming parish that enjoys laughter. Rev. Scott commented that the sound of laughter shows that the Spirit is among us. A reception was held for Rev. Scott after the morning service. We continue to pray for guidance and wisdom as we begin this spiritual journey with Priest-in-Charge, Rev. Sarah Scott.

NOW after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news."
Rev. Scott’s sermon was taken from the first book of Mark found in today’s Gospel. Long ago there were those who viewed life as cyclical. A person was born, grew into adulthood, procreated (or not) and died. This way of thinking gave no vision or purpose for humanity. Through Jesus, God made his purpose for humanity known. God's plan moves forward with purpose . This is illustrated in many passages of the Bible. Among those being when David slew Goliath, Moses saved a nation, and Sarah bore Issac after she was well past her childbearing years. All was done for a purpose and took place at God’s appointed time. Humanity’s rule is replaced by God’s perfect rule.
In Jesus is the Good News. In Jesus is the kingdom of God. We are invited to be a part of it all through repentance. Repentance comes from the Greek word "metanoya" which means to turn around. Repentance is more about invitation as opposed to condemnation.
The last five words of Mark 1:15 states “…believe in the good news.” By believing we trust God’s will for us. How will we live as disciples of this Good News?

Rev. Scott(l.back row) and spouse Rev. Pat Wingo
(Front l.tor.) daughters: Anna, Abigail & Gracie
SCRIPTURES read by Marietta Cameron-Sowell

Scriptures for February 1,2009

Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1 Corinthians 8:1b-13 Mark 1:21-28 Psalm 111


+The vestry will meet with Rev. Scott at their next meeting to be held January 29th at 6:30 p.m.
+ The Diocesan Convention will be held in Montgomery, Alabama on February 19-21, 2009. Mark Smith and Heager Hill are St. Mark’s delegates.
+ Bishop Parsley’s annual visit to St. Mark’s will be the first Sunday in March. Anyone wanting to be baptized or confirmed should contact either Rev. Scott or Deacon Carolyn.


Sundra Smith ,Kyra Sowell, Marietta Cameron- Sowell >

Parishoners fellowship and get to know Rev. Scott and her family during the welcoming reception held for Rev. Scott

In Other Words
A lawyer was overheard praying in church: 'We respectively request, and entreat, that due and adequate provisions be made this day and the date hereinafter subscribed, for the organizing of such methods and allocations and distributions as may be deemed necessary to properly assure the reception by and for said petitioner of such quantities of baked cereal products as shall, in the judgment of the aforementioned parishioners, constitute a sufficient supply thereof.'

Interpretation:' ..give us this day our daily bread.
