November 16, 2008

You've Got Talent!

Deacon Carolyn Foster

Deacon Carolyn is a part of the team for the Alabama Constitution Reform. After attending a retreat she reflected on the number of attendees who had sacrificed their own talents, time and money toward an effort that would benefit many. These are the unsung heroes that go unnoticed.

God has given everyone a talent. As such it should be used. In Matthew 25:14-30 the story is told of a master who distributes a number of talents to each of his slaves according to his ability. One is given five talents, another two and another one. Each is instructed to go out and increase his talents. It should be noted here that a talent was 18 times a denarii . A denarii was equal to 2 cents today. Yet 2 cents was a week’s wage during Biblical times. Do the math and you’ll discover that each slave had been handsomely rewarded even the slave given one talent.
Upon the master’s return the first two slaves presented the master with an increase from the talents they were given. The slave given one talent cowardly approached his master revealing to him that he had hidden his talent away and had no increase. This slave was punished by the master, not because he had no increase but because he made NO ATTEMPT to increase his talent. He was seen as “…wicked and lazy...” Wicked being synonymous to sinful and lazy because he didn’t try.

Talent doesn’t always take the form of money. We all are rich with talent(s). It’s not how many talents we have but, how we use them. We are to use them to benefit others and for God’s glory. Talents may be music, cleaning a floor, giving a smile to someone who needs it. Once we do a great job we don’t rest. God gives us more to do.
Exercise your talent, in home, workplace, school, community. God will give the increase as you implement your talents.


First Reading Judges 4:1-7
Psalm 123
Second Reading I Thessalonians 5:1-11
The Holy Gospel Matthew 25:14-30

*UTO funds from St. Mark's were sent to the Diocese on last Sunday.
*Deacon Carolyn is still collecting milk jugs. She needs only 20 more so keep 'em coming.
*Turkey dinners are being provided to ten needy families. The families will receive ingredients and fixings to feed a family of four. If you can volunteer to pick up the items, see Deacon Carolyn.
* Olivia Washington had the ribbon cutting ceremony for her Mary Kay training center at her new Fairfield location.

The Ruffin family., Addison, Mom Tasha,
and Dad Eric

On the fourth pew. The Newell family. r. Mom Janice, Brian, Kelsey, and Jennifer

click link above

Chili Cook Off

click to enlarge

l.tor. 1st place-Ocie Milner,
2nd place- Ellarine Stroud (accepting for daughter
Randritta Stroud),
3rd place-Paul Goldman

gifts distributed and chili eaten

Parishioners extend Peace to one another

Ushers prepare to collect Offering