August 29, 2009

August 24, 2009


Most American family gatherings are accompanied by food. Deacon Carolyn recalled fond memories of her family’s get-togethers. Holidays, birthdays and Sundays were happy occasions. Her aunt Lucy was an excellent cook. Her aunt was also her godmother. One of her favorite recipes by her aunt Lucy was homemade peach ice cream. It was this aunt that taught her how to cook cornbread. It is an event she will always remember. Whenever she cooks cornbread it is a holy moment because she remembers her aunt teaching her this. She remembers her aunt as a woman of strength and wisdom. During these reunions our hearts are fed by the love of family and those gathered with us.

In Christ our deepest hunger can be fed.
Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
Christ’s food is the food that sustains us. The consecration of the bread and wine during Communion is a Holy moment. It is a reminder of the sacrifice God made for us through his Son Christ.
During this time we should remember and listen to the words of consecration. We should look when the bread is broken and remember what Jesus did for us when we kneel and gather around the altar table.

1Kings 2:10-12, 3:3-14

Psalm 111

Ephesians 5:15-20

THE HOLY GOSPEL John 6:51-58



The offertory anthem was a piano solo by the church musician, Sundra Smith.


+Fall programming will include Children’s Sunday School held from 9:30-9:50a.m. In just this short span of time a child’s spiritual growth can be greatly increased.

+There will be a pool party at the home of Deacon Carolyn on August 22nd from 11a.m.-2pm. Each person is asked to bring a pot luck item. Contact Deacon Carolyn or sign up on the sheet out in the hall.

+As the church revamps for the fall season you are asked to sign up for one of the following areas Usher, Reader, Acolyte (age 12-up).
You will not be required to commit indefinitely. Volunteers may choose the dates they wish to serve. If you have never performed your selected undertaking place a star by your name so that you may be trained. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board.

+Choir Practice- The choir will resume rehearsals on Wednesday, August 26th. We invite anyone who wishes to serve God through music and song to join us weekly from6:30p.-8:00p

Just a reminder There will be no blog posts during the month of September.

August 16, 2009

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

Proverbs 9:1-6


St. Mark’s was pleased to have Mikel Packer as its musical guest this Sunday. Twelve year old Mikel played Praise Is What I Do on trumpet during the Offertory. He lent his talent further during the Communion with Let Us Break Bread Together. In attendance were Mikel's parents Morris and Tywanna Packer (not pictured)
+ Rev. Sara Scott-Wingo has composed a quarterly newsletter for the congregation. The St. Mark’s Messenger made its debut after this week’s 10 am service. A wonderful hard copy instrument, The St. Mark’s Messenger features present and future news and dates. This will allow the technology challenged as well as members and visitors to remain clued-in to the happenings at St. Mark’s. Pick one up today.
+ Choir Practice- The choir will resume rehearsals on Wednesday, August 26th. We invite anyone who wishes to serve God through music and song to join us weekly from
+Fall programming will include Children’s Sunday School held from 9:30-9:50a.m. In just this short span of time a child’s spiritual growth can be greatly increased.
+ECW President Nikara Washington presented to the ECW body a unique community project (5-3-09) involving young girls and their mothers. This project would explore serious coming of age issues and teaching parent and child how to make wise decisions. Mothers and guardians play a significant role in the upbringing of young girls. It is Mothers can be positive role models for their daughters .The project was well received by ECW members but funding presented a dilemma.
Deacon Carolyn Foster wrote and submitted a grant to the Episcopal Diocese regarding this project. It is a thrill to announce that the information was accepted by the Diocese and the grant has been fully funded. The project will be known as Daughter To Daughter. October is the projected month for kick off. We are extremely grateful to ECW President Nikara for her vision of need in the community and to Deacon Carolyn
for her grant writing skills allowing St. Mark’s ECW to pursue this meaningful venture.
+St. Mark’s Men and Boys- Anthony Joseph has volunteered to plan some fun activities this year for the men and boys of our parish. Rev. Scott-Wingo is asking all the men and boys of the parish to support this ministry with their participation. Feel free to contact Anthony if you want to help with the planning.

+ There will be a pool party at the home of Deacon Carolyn on August 22nd from 11a.m.-2pm. Each person is asked to bring a pot luck item. Contact Deacon Carolyn or sign up on the sheet out in the hall.
+As the church revamps for the fall season you are asked to sign up for one of the following areas Usher, Reader, Acolyte (age 12-up). You will not be required to commit indefinitely. Volunteers may choose the dates they wish to serve. If you have never performed your selected undertaking place a star by your name so that you may be trained. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board.
(lt.) Bertha Smith poses with guest trumpeteer, Mikel Packer(ctr.) and church musician Sundra Smith (rt.)
No blog during the month of September. Will return in October

August 9, 2009

You Are What You Eat

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. Suppose this was actually possible? What would you be? Ice cream, fruit, steak? More than likely we’d be some form of bread. Bread has been the staple food for centuries. It is the foundation, the basic .
Jesus said to the people, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
Through faith and belief and by humbly coming to Christ we surrender ourselves to Him. Developing an intimate relationship with Christ we fill our spiritual hunger. His ways become our ways. Hunger and thirst is relieved. We can not buy salvation. It is given for free if we accept Jesus and his terms.
The last stanza of Love Comes for Free, sung by Act of Congress, states:
"I know a man named Jesus,
He loved until he died,
and after doing nothing wrong
took the bullet for his bride,
If what I’ve heard is really true and love should come for free,
Then I can love this Jesus too because he first loved me. "

By dying for us, Jesus showed he loved us.
Ellarine Stroud and Heager Hill (pictured below) performed Precious Lord Take My Hand as a duet. We were blessed by their musical offering.


+ ECW President Nikara Washington presented to the ECW body a unique community project involving young girls and their mothers. This project would explore serious coming of age issues and guiding parent and child on how to make wise decisions. Mothers and guardians play a significant role in the upbringing of young girls. Mothers can be positive role models for their daughters .The project was well received by ECW members but funding presented a dilemma.
Deacon Carolyn Foster wrote and submitted a grant to the Episcopal Diocese regarding this project. It is a thrill to announce that the information was accepted by the Diocese and the grant has been fully funded. The project will be known as Daughter To Daughter. October is the projected month for kick off. We are extremely grateful to ECW President Nikara for her vision of need in the community and to Deacon Carolyn
for her grant writing skills allowing St. Mark’s ECW to pursue this meaningful venture.
+Fall programming will include Children’s Sunday School held from 9:30-9:50a.m. In just this short span of time a child’s spiritual growth can be greatly increased.
+ The renovation of the rectory is complete. We give thanks for the generosity of our anonymous donor. The restored rectory will serve an important role in housing the various ministries St. Mark’s looks forward to conducting this fall.
+ There will be a pool party at the home of Deacon Carolyn on August 22nd from 11a.m.-2pm. Each person is asked to bring a pot luck item. Contact Deacon Carolyn or sign up on the sheet out in the hall.
+St. Mark’s Men and Boys- Anthony Joseph has volunteered to plan some fun activities this year for the men and boys of our parish. Rev. Scott-Wingo is asking all the men and boys of the parish to support this ministry with their participation. Feel free to contact Anthony if you want to help with the planning.
+Adoption Request- Rev. Scott-Wingo wasnotified by an adoption agency that they have several African American babies they are looking to place with married couples. If you know of any couples who are considering adoption, put them in touch with Rev. Scott-Wingo
+As the church revamps for the fall season you are asked to sign up for one of the following areas Usher, Reader, Acolyte (age 12-up). You will not be required to commit indefinitely. Volunteers may choose the dates they wish to serve. If you have never performed your selected undertaking place a star by your name so that you may be trained. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board.
+Bible study, Tuesdays at noon in the Fellowship Hall.

Dawn Bryan
Mothers & Daughters







1. & C.

2. & D.

3. & A.

4. & B.
Just a reminder. There will be no blog entries for the month of September. St. Mark's Episcopal Church blog will resume in October.


August 2, 2009

Are You Hungry?

The day after the after the feeding of the 5000 the people awoke reflecting on what had happened the day before. During a time of food scarcity to feel full and have a sense of wellbeing was a rare thing. The people wanted more of this so they went in search of Jesus.
Jesus tells them, “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.”
They don’t know exactly how to work for this food and ask how they may obtain it?
Jesus answers, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
Similarly in our lives, the more we see the more we want. We are actually spiritually hungry. Sometimes we think that we get enough of whatever it is we want we’ll be satisfied.
Jesus tells us if we seek him things will be different. If we recognize that the deep hunger is spiritual hunger we can seek God for our true fulfillment.
The feeding of the 5000 was a sign that through Jesus we can come to God and find all that our hearts desire at the deepest level-love, peace, meaning, hope, joy, and the strength to persevere. ***

Guest soloist Royce Files favored us with his saxophone rendition of, I Love the Lord.

Royce (middle) is pictured with his grandfather,Heager Hill(left) and his father, Melvin Files (right)



Marc Smith gives his report from the General Convention

During a pot luck lunch after morning service Marc Smith reported on his trip to the General Convention held in Anaheim, California. This is the fourth time Marc has served as deputy for the Diocese. Marc’s presentation included audio visuals and thorough explanation of topics. His distribution of handouts further enhanced understanding and appreciation for the significant subjects presented at General Convention. Discussion followed the presentation led by Rev. Scott-Wingo.
For more information on the General Convention click here.

Parishioners enjoy lunch during presentation by Marc Smith

Rev. Sara-Scott Wingo will lead a biblically based discussion at St. Mark's on Tuesday evening, August 4, 2009 at 6:00 PM. This discussion is an extension from the conversations shared referencing "same gender blessings" during Sunday's Pot-Luck-Luncheon Meeting while reviewing the 76th General Convention held in Anaheim, California.

PFC Higgins

Congratulations to PFC Cleophus James Higgins!
Cleophus is the son of Deacon Carolyn Foster and grandson of Mrs. Alice Long. They, along with his Aunt, Stephanie Whitlock and cousin Stareka Burroughs were privileged to attend his graduation ceremony On July 23rd in Texas! Please keep "Jamie" and his family in your prayers.
+The Jonathan Daniel Pilgrimage in Hayneville is Saturday, August 8th at the Lowndes County Courthouse at 11 a.m. Our own Voices of Praise have been asked to sing for the Eucharist again this year. Dain and Constance Perry, featured in the film Traces of the Trade, will give the homily. If you have not attended this important Civil Rights event sponsored by the Diocese, please plan to attend. Carolyn will coordinate a caravan for those interested and we are especially encouraging intergenerational participation.
+ The renovation of the rectory is almost complete. Our next step is to get a volunteer paint crew to paint the fascia and soffits all around the house. Check with the men of the church on progress and where help is needed. We give thanks for the generosity of our anonymous donor.

+Adoption Request- Rev. Scott-Wingo was
notified by an adoption agency that they have several African American babies they are looking to place with married couples. If you know of any couples who are considering adoption, put them in touch with Rev. Scott-Wingo
+St. Mark’s Men and Boys- Anthony Joseph has volunteered to plan some fun activities this year for the men and boys of our parish. Rev. Scott-Wingo is asking all the men and boys of the parish to support this ministry with their participation. Feel free to contact Anthony if you want to help with the planning.



Royce Files

Allison Finley

Minnie Finley

Gwen Flood

A belated birthday wish to the St. Mark's Church blog. July marked one year of blogging.
Match The Sons and Fathers



Son A: Father 3
Son B: Father 1
Son C: Father 4
Son D: Father 2